Thursday, March 27, 2025

St Patrick's Day Parade and Dance

Yes, I am just now getting around to posting for St Patrick's Day!

St Patrick's Day brought our annual golf cart parade with members of the Venture Out line dance classes entertaining with an Irish dance.

Some of our dancers along with Barb, our neighbor (driving the golf cart) who would be transporting some of the dancers on her golf cart.

Carl with friends Ed and Cathy

Patti with some more of the dancers

Video of the Irish dance performed by our line dance group:

At each stop, the "Sing 'n' Strum" group led the audience in some Irish songs...

... followed by our group doing a dance to "Galway Girls".

I really enjoy dancing here at the park -- both line dancing and doing the Arizona two-step with Carl!  

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

The final couple of days with Ed and Cathy

In the final couple of days with Ed and Cathy...

We went to Organ Stop Pizza and enjoyed listening to the organ music...

...we enjoyed a beautiful sunset...

and we went on a hike a Usery Mountain Park.

Ed and Cathy

Identifying a plant

Ed and Carl dueling with the walking poles!

The recent rain had brought out blooms -- these on an Ocotillo.

The trail was relatively flat but allowed us to enjoy seeing some of the desert plants.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Bocce Ball with Ed and Cathy

We went over to the bocce ball courts to introduce Ed and Cathy to how we play bocce on courts...

Look at the form that Patti is displaying!

The courts were actually quite wet as we had had a lot of rain -- in fact, our last league play game was cancelled because it was too wet.

Ed and Cathy were very good students -- all of our balls were nearly the same distance from the palina!

Monday, March 24, 2025

Appreciation Root Beer Floats

The worship committee had an appreciation event for the volunteers who work to make the Sunday services here at Venture Out function smoothly. We were included as we volunteer to make coffee and serve donuts at the Gabfest after services.

Our friend Lesa serving the root beer in the floats.

There was a good turnout!

It takes many folks to make it all work!

We enjoyed visiting with other volunteers.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Celebrating at Coopers Hawk

Cathy was celebrating her birthday during their visit, so we went to Coopers Hawk to celebrate...

We got appetizers to share -- Caprese flatbread...

... and "Over the border" egg rolls.

The waiter nicely took our pictures.

Cathy got a complimentary dessert for her birthday.

How nice to celebrate a birthday together! 

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Venture Out Marketplace

Once a month or so, Venture Out hosts a "Marketplace" where local vendors can come to sell their wares... it happened while Ed and Cathy were visiting, so we went shopping...

I got a chair massage...

... and we enjoyed looking at many other things provided by the vendors there!

Shopping without having to leave the resort is nice!

Friday, March 21, 2025

Honoring Terry Laduke

One of the members of the ham radio group, a member who has been a mentor and teacher to many in the group, will be moving later in 2025 from Venture Out to Oregon to be nearer family. The ham radio group took advantage of having the opportunity to recognize him for his contributions and thank him personally.

Dan Dietz introducing the program

Dan had put together a slide show of pictures from Terry's life which we watched during the meeting.

Terry viewing the presentation ("This is Your Life!")

Terry then shared more about some of the pictures that we had seen in the presentation.

A certificate of appreciation was presented to Terry by the VO Amateur Radio Club president, Richard Schank.

To honor his service in the US Navy, we played "Anchors Aweigh" and had the Navy and US flags displayed.

Judy and Terry with the US Navy flag

The Venture Out Amateur Radio Club attendees
A few weeks ago, a group picture of the Venture Out Amateur Radio Club members & guests was taken.

It is great to get to honor folks who have meant so much to the club!