Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Cleaning the grass

First - apologies for the lack of postings - we have been busy doing things at our lots in Venture Out, but either we haven't gotten pictures or we just haven't done many interesting things each day.

You may remember that we had artificial grass put down at our lot last year (, We had the opinion that this would reduce the requirements for maintenance on our yard... and, for sure, we did not have any weeds grow in our grass over the summer.

However, our grass was dirty... We called our sweet neighbor, Barb, who had gotten the fake grass before we did and asked her what was recommended to get it clean -- she let us know that she had a carpet rake in her house and invited us to borrow it. We headed out to see what we could do.

Once again, we did not get a "before" picture of our yard...

...this was after Carl had used the leaf blower to get the big stuff off our grass -- you can see what looks like browned-out grass at the edge -- that's various stuff pollen and dust and stuff collected in the edge of the grass.

Carl changed the blower to a vacuum and worked on vacuuming up the stuff that he had blown from the yard into the street...

He then came back and used the vacuum on the grass too. I had used Barb's rake to loosen up the stuff on the edges so it would be easier to pick up.

This is the "grass" in front of our park model - "before"...

... another view of "before"...

On this yard, Carl used an upright vacuum and beater-bar to try cleaning it -- he totally filled the container in the vacuum and it cut out. He also thought that it may have overheated.

Meanwhile, I was working on the edges... with a broom...

... and with Barb's carpet rake. You can see all the "stuff" that is coming out of the "grass".

This was after we were finished -- a lot better!

Now, we're only working outside about 2 hours each morning, until we get so hot and sweaty and the heat gets beyond what we are willing to work in... so we only get so much done each day...

This morning, we worked on Barb's yard -- I remembered to get a "before" picture...

... and then this is the "after". We just used the rake and a broom on her yard.

We also have worked on getting our outside spaces set up. We had all our outside patio furniture stored in the Casa next door, or on the covered patio of the Casa. We moved the appropriate furniture the each patio, and got the chair pads out of the sheds where they were stored.

Patio furniture out and patio carpet next to Gracie. We also have the awning out to keep the side of Gracie a little cooler.

The forecasts indicate that we should have cooler temperatures (90s today, 80s tomorrow, 70s Friday -Sunday). Maybe we will be able to work on outside projects even more than 2 hours in the morning!

Note that we have also been working on making the Casa ready for guests, as our first guest for the season will be arriving on Sunday! We have not yet turned on the air conditioning in the Casa, so it gets warmer as the day goes by too.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Playing with maps

I enjoy plotting our travels on a Google map -- if you're on the website for this blog, you can see our current year's travel map on the upper right side. Here's an image of it:

I told Carl that we need to make a couple of trips into the Gulf of Mexico so the outline of a Canadian goose (or any kind of goose) would be more complete! (I don't think that's gonna happen!)

If you click on the map on the website (or use this link), you can interact with the map, seeing what each location is, etc. 

This summer, I was comparing how far north we traveled when we went to Newfoundland last year versus our trip to Alaska this summer. In the process, I created a travel map that includes all of our stops since Carl and I were married in 2020, grouped (or "styled" in Google's terminology) by year:

Google maps chose the different colors for the different years. Note that I did not put the linkages from one stop to the next as that would have added a significant amount of additional work. Anyway, you can see from this view that our trip to Newfoundland did not get us anywhere near as far north as our trip this summer did.

This map is more interesting if you go to the map view itself -- follow this link (clicking on the link will open a new window if I did it correctly). When you're on the site, if you hover over any of the years (in the legend on the left side), it will bring the locations for that year to the front.

This is probably more interesting to us than to anyone else, but... in case you're interested in doing something similar, I accomplished it with an Excel spreadsheet with all of our stops listed for each year. If you want more details, I am happy to help you with your own -- the difficult thing is getting all the data together for each year.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Back in our spot in Mesa!

We got back to our lot at Venture Out in Mesa on Wednesday, and we've been settling in since then.

After we got our lot cleaned up (at least most of the weeds bagged up ready to be taken to the trash bins)...

Gracie and the Jee-rage in our lot

As I related in the last post (, we had to clean up a lot of weeds from our lot before we could park, and in the triple-digit temperatures, it was tough getting that done.

Since arriving on Wednesday, we've allocated 1-2 hours each morning (before the temps pass the mid-90s) to get a few tasks completed. We figure out what the "next" thing is to do and try to get at least *that* task completed. 

On Thursday morning, we continued with weed removal. We also visited the casa to remind ourselves of how we had left it and start to identify what we need to do there before visitors come (first one to arrive 10/20).

On Friday morning, we got the Jee-rage emptied of the things that were in it from the Alaska trip (and from emptying bays for Freedom RV to do the slide service) -- spare tire, Jeep front cover for towing on rough roads, patio mat brought back from Virginia, folding chairs, etc.. Then we had room to take the bags of weeds to the dumpster.

On Saturday morning, we started "cleaning" our grass (more on that in another post). We unfolded the mat that we had retrieved from the container in Virginia, put it down on on the patio, and started retrieving the outdoor furniture from the covered patio of the casa and placing it on the mat to hold it down.

It is starting to look like "Home" for the winter!!! We still need to clean the outdoor furniture and put the cushions out, but it is still too warm to want to sit outside, so that can wait a couple of days.

The weather forecast indicates that we should have cooler weather next week -- 90s by Monday, 80s by Friday -- so maybe we'll be able to work outside more hours each day!

We *have* been getting things done inside -- lots and lots of laundry as well as other cleaning, putting canned goods and spices away since we now have access to their storage locations -- have I mentioned how exciting it is to have both of our front slides working and access to all of our inside storage?!?!?!? We are happy to be back in Mesa and in one spot for a while!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Service at Freedom RV - day 2

On Wednesday day morning, we weren't exactly sure when the chassis service folks would be ready to take Gracie, so we started closing things up by a little after 7am...

Gracie in her spot in Freedom RV's lot

Unlike National Indoor RV service centers, although Freedom RV allows fulltimers to stay overnight in their rig the lot, it seems that they work hard to ensure that you don't have to be there overnight by getting the work done in an expeditious manner!

They took Gracie for service soon after 8am, and by 10am, we were checked out and ready to go.

I had locked Miss Kitty in the bedroom while service was being done -- when I opened the door to let her out, she was sleeping on top of my pillow on the bed!

We made the drive from Tucson to Mesa, stopping in Chandler for fuel.

When we got to Venture Out, we checked in with the security folks and they welcomed us back. 

We drove to our lot, but before we could park Gracie in her spot, we needed to clear weeds that had grown up over the summer. The worst was a single huge plant of goat heads that had grown and then dried and gone to seed right on the asphalt parking pad (it had found a tiny 1/4"x1" crack in which to grow up as what had probably been about a 4' bush before it dried and went to seed). We worked to get as much of that up and contained as we could, as well as pulling other weeds that had grown in the rock area behind the parking pad (which Gracie would cover once she was parked). Given it was 100F+, we were not interested in doing too much work, but we needed to get done what had to be done.

Unfortunately, no before pictures of the lot as we arrived.

Friends Linda and Don from across the street noticed we had arrived, and Don came over to welcome us back and to invite us to come for dinner -- what a nice welcome back!

We've had a great 7 months of traveling, but we're glad to be back, hopefully for several months!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Service at Freedom RV - Day 1

We left Pima County Fairgrounds and drove the short distance to Freedom RV for our service appointment. We were to be there for 8am check-in - we got there about 7:30am, unhooked the Jeep, and then waited until the service advisors were ready for us. Our service advisor, Dusty, came out to meet up with us, verified what we needed to have completed:

  • two front slides needed work on the locking mechanism and we had brought two new actuators with us as we anticipated that was the issue
  • looking into the electric elements on the Oasis water heating system and determining why they were not working
  • chassis oil and filter change (since we are unfortunately not going to be heading to Virginia anytime very soon for that service to be completed by our primary mechanic and source of counsel on diesel engine stuff!)

Dusty was confident that their technician could do the house system work (slides and water heating) on Tuesday, that we could stay overnight in their lot, and have the chassis maintenance completed on Wednesday morning. We were hopeful, but honestly, not confident that the slides and Oasis repair could be completed that quickly. 

We went out for breakfast, and then waited in the waiting room at Freedom RV. After lunch, Carl checked with Dusty and she let him know that the technician had finished on the slides and had started on the Oasis. She took Carl back to where the technician was working on the Oasis. The technician said that the "aqua-stat" (we're not certain what that is) was intermittent and appeared to be from a wiring issue -- he was cleaning up the wiring and removing and replacing all the wiring nuts. He said it was quite spaghetti factory in there and he was working on straightening it out. He was certain that just tracing through the wiring would correct the problem.

Sure enough, about 3pm, Dusty came out and let us know that the technician was done, and Gracie had been moved into her overnight location in the lot. Dusty took us out to show us where Gracie was parked. Gracie was plugged in to 50A. We leveled her in the spot, and, for the first time in several months, were able to put both of our front slides out! Whoo-hoo! We also tried the hot water, but since the technician had already been testing it, there was already hot water in the system so the elements did not come on. We turned the elements off to let the water cool down (well, cool down as much as it would when the outside temperature was over 100F!). We'd check it again later.

Meanwhile, we had planned to meet up with niece Ginny and great-nephew Evan (unfortunately, Josh was out of town on business so we would not get to see him). We drove to their home a little north of Tucson and had a great meal and visit!

Unfortunately, we didn't think to get a picture until Evan had already gone upstairs to bed... I need to have a word with the blog photographer!!!

Dusty had gotten us a key to the lock on the gate at Freedom RV, so we knew we would be able to get back in. When we got there, the night patrol was a little surprised by our arrival but when Carl indicated that he had a key, the patrol was okay with us entering the lot. 

We switched on the electric hot water system and it successfully came on!

We should be able to finish up on Wednesday before noon and be on our way to Mesa!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Onwards to Tucson

On Monday morning, we continued south and east, getting on US-60 east for a while (Carl said, "Tell Jimmy that we're on US 60 and we'll be there soon!" -- it's just a couple thousand miles away!)

Around Phoenix, and then we were on our way toward Tucson. The Garmin said that I-10 was closed ahead... I figured it was just the construction in Tucson that diverts traffic onto the frontage road, but Carl did some additional checking on Google Maps, and we saw an overhead sign that indicated that there was a major accident ahead with "Heavy Delays". Google Maps recommended that we exit and use the frontage road (in this area, it is just a small two-way, two-lane road along the east (north?) side of the interstate). We got off where Google recommended, and soon got to the area where the traffic was backed up on the interstate -- because law enforcement was directing all traffic to exit the interstate and proceed to the frontage road. Thankfully, we were already on the frontage road, so we missed that part of the backup. A few miles further, we came to the backup at the accident site -- we couldn't see what the accident was comprised of, but Carl said he saw a semi-truck heading the wrong way. Another backup was on the freeway at that point with maybe one lane getting through. We eventually hit our own backup when we got to the point on the frontage road where we were re-joining the interstate -- we had to go through an intersection with other traffic that was, no doubt, wondering why in the world all this traffic was on the frontage road! At any rate, we made it through, and probably more expeditiously than if we had stayed on the interstate and gotten caught in one of the two backups.

We made it to Tucson, and to our campground at the Pima County Fairgrounds. I had booked a site for us a few days ago -- I had been surprised that it indicated that there was only one site available. I couldn't imagine why the campground would be so full -- I checked to see if any events were scheduled, and they were, but they were ending Sunday so there shouldn't be any demand on the campground for Monday night. Oh well, they had one site for us and that's all we needed. 

When Carl went in to check us in, the campground attendant said, "Something went wrong with the system, you weren't supposed to be able to make a reservation for this night!" There was one other RV in the campground (who also "snuck in" to the system somehow). It turns out that Tiffin has a rally at this campground starting on Friday, and they have all of the space booked! Oh well, we only needed the site for one night and we'd be leaving early in the morning for service.

Carl was excited to be in Tucson as his all-time favorite restaurant, Sweet Tomatoes, which closed all of its locations during the pandemic, has opened under new management one of their locations, the one in Tucson. We had hoped that it would be open in March when we came through, but they did not open until April. Nothing to do but to head there as soon as we got checked in and set up!

Sweet Tomatoes!

Huge salad bar

They seem to have all of Carl's favorites, including "Joan's Broccoli Madness"!

And soups -- Carl got Corn Chowder, New England Clam Chowder, Creamy Mushroom, and a bowl of mac and cheese, in addition to his salad!

We thoroughly enjoyed our long awaited trip to Sweet Tomatoes!

On the way back to the campground,

... the road we were on took us past the Davis Monthan Air Force Base and boneyard...

... planes and planes and planes... retired military aircraft...

... as well as retired commercial planes.

When we got back to the campground,

... it was about sunset. You may be able to see that Gracie is the only rig in the campground!

Pretty sky beyond her

We're in for service on Tuesday, hoping that Freedom RV will be able to easily diagnose the problems that we're having and be able to fix them quickly too!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Returning to Arizona

On Sunday, we had a longer drive planned (326 miles) and we would be traveling past Las Vegas.

As we were coming into Las Vegas via I-15 from the east

Some of the buildings in Las Vegas from I-11 (a new interstate, our Garmin knew it as I-515, and it still had some signage as I-515).

We had planned to stop to change drivers before Las Vegas, but instead stopped at a scenic overlook south of the city near Lake Mead (and the Hoover Dam)...

The view of Lake Mead from the Scenic Overlook. Hoover Dam would be to the right around the corner (out of sight from the overlook).

Some information on signs at the overlook:

I didn't realize that this was part of the Mojave Desert (I thought that was just in California).

We had come south through the Great Basin Desert, currently traveling through the edge of the Mojave Desert, and would soon be in the Sonoran Desert.

Some of the plants of the Mojave Desert

There was only one spot at the overlook for "bus or RV parking", and thankfully, no one was parked in it when we came in! Other cars parked behind us while we were visiting and a class C parked in the car spaces -- there really were not enough car parking spaces (nor RV/trailer parking).

View of Lake Mead as we left the overlook

Colorado River from the bridge just downstream from the Hoover Dam

Soon, we entered Arizona (after almost a 7 month absence).

Big skies

Gracie's Odometer turned over 80,000 miles during our trip on Sunday. For a 2012 vehicle, that's not very high mileage -- but common for RVs. We're putting more miles on each year than she had been driven before Carl and Sue purchased the rig in 2019 (she had a bit over 20,000 miles on her odometer in 2019).

I don't know if you can see them, but along that ridge (and along the slope too) are saguaro cacti. They only grow withing certain elevations, and I think maybe only in the Sonoran Desert. It was like they were waving and saying, "Welcome back!"

We stopped at the Escapees Park, North Ranch, between Congress and Wickenburg, Arizona, for the night.
We got a nice pullthrough site, though only 30A (and high 90s in temperatures, would have been nice to have 50A for both air conditioners to be able to run!).

Continuing on our way south!