Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Gulf Islands National Seashore, Florida

As we headed east from Rainbow Plantation, we went south to the Gulf in Alabama and then on into the panhandle of Florida.

Gulf Islands National Seashore

It was breezy and overcast...

... but beautiful!

We stopped at another place further east...

Miss Doozie and the Jeep in the parking lot...

The waves were so beautiful!

My phone did some "special effects" to the picture just above that seemed to better capture all the shades of blue in the sky and waves!

Carl's camera also captured the colors!

We talked to a lady on the beach and she took a picture for us. She also saved us from getting doused by a wave as we had our backs to the waves and didn't notice them coming closer and closer.
She asked us where we were from - that is a harder question for us to answer now... we've each been used to saying, "we live in that RV but we're originally from 'x'" - but, the 'x' is different for each of us (Northern Illinois for Carl, Dallas area for Patti). So, we just pointed to Miss Doozie and said, "from that bus parked over there". She said that she had recently met some other fulltime RVers, and then shared her story - that she is recently retired, and making a trip from the west coast of Florida around to Houston. She shared that her husband passed away two years ago and this was one of the last places that they were before he passed away...

It reminded us again of how blessed we are to have each other. The tears still come as each of us think of Sue and of Dwayne, and we are thankful that we each understand the sorrow of the other.

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