Saturday, November 30, 2024

Ooops on a solar panel

Carl went up to clean the solar panels a few days ago (we use the solar panels to keep our batteries charged -- even though we are plugged in to shore power, we use the batteries to run 12V loads on the rig -- lights, water pump, ceiling fans). He found that one of the solar panels has shattered:

It may not be obvious in this picture, but the panel has a burned-looking area and the glass is shattered....

... here is the burned area -- it appears to us that maybe something fell onto the panel breaking connections and causing arcing. You can also see the shattering, though it may just appear that the panel is dirty -- it isn't, that's the shattered glass.

Another view of the panel - the damaged part is in the center on the left side in this picture.

We are not sure when or how the damage happened -- we're surmising something falling on the panel, but it could have been, maybe, jarring that happened on rough roads this summer. We know that we were on the roof at some point during our summer journeys, but we don't know exactly when -- and if I was up there but not specifically there to clean or inspect the solar panels, it is possible that I would not have noticed it (I'm not as observant as Carl is!).

The panels are wired serially, and we're still getting power into the solar controller, so the damaged panel is still letting at least some power go through. We're planning to replace the panel this winter season while we're in Mesa so we'll have a full complement of solar power when we're boondocking in the future.

Friday, November 29, 2024

An interesting paint job

We stopped by the mall a few days ago...

... we were quite impressed with the paint job on this car -- it was iridescent and the colors seemed to change as we walked around it...

Really pretty!!!

Maybe we can get the Jee-rage or Gracie painted like that!!!

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving!


We pray that all of our friends and family are enjoying a blessed time at Thanksgiving.

Carl and I are getting together with Dwayne's brother, Keith, and his family, in Queen Creek, AZ, not too far away. We plan to cook our turkey on Saturday and share a meal with friends in our community (we like to have leftovers!).

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Music and root beer floats at the pool

One afternoon, there was a band at the West pool...

A beautiful day to be at the pool

Lap swimming area

Over there under the canopy is where they were selling root beer floats.

A band was playing -- it was more hard rock than we like, but there are a number of folks here in the park (generally older than we are) who like it.

One of the two hot tubs

We ended up going to the other hot tub (that was further from the band) and enjoyed being with other folks enjoying the beautiful weather.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

5K walk/run

Our resort had a 5K walk or run ("Turkey Trot") last week. The ham radio group was asked to help with giving directions along the route and making sure people were not having difficulty as they progressed.

Carl was volunteering as part of the ham radio group, and I went along as a "ham-ster" (the moniker I have adopted as being a ham-radio wife who isn't also a ham).

We were assigned a specific corner on which to provide directions to the participants. The route took the participants around the outer edge of the resort and then they did another loop around one of the middle streets. We were at the corner where the two loops met -- when the first folks came through, they were all exiting the outer loop and starting the inner loop -- but before very many of those folks came through, the first runner was finishing the inner loop. We were glad to have both of us at the corner so one could watch for the participants coming off the outer loop and get them directed one way, and the other of us could watch for the inner loop folks and get them sent to the finish. It wasn't really all that difficult, but we didn't realize that the runners would finish the whole course so quickly!

We had balloons and vests so the participants would be able to see us and look to us for directions.

We brought the balloons home....

... and decided to see if Miss Kitty would enjoy being lighter!

Let's just say that she was NOT amused!

We were glad to be out enjoying the nice weather and encouraging the participants who were making their way through the course!

Monday, November 25, 2024

A yard project

The front yard of our park model has the same "grass" that we put in at our RV lot last season. The yard had previously had a plant (that was evidently cut down prior to the "grass" being installed), and, over time, the ground under the "grass" had developed a sink as the organic matter from the now-nonexistent plant decays. We decided that we should try to build up the ground underneath so the fabric of the "grass" does not get stretched or tear.

We decided to try cutting a small hole and putting sand into the space...

We've been working on the project over a few days -- when we first started, we discovered that we had purchased a less-expensive sand and it had rocks in it that sometimes jammed up the funnel that we were using to put the sand through the hole. We also found that the sand in the bag was damp, and that made it difficult to go through the funnel, so we poured some out onto a piece of cardboard and left it to dry. We also found that the space immediately under the hole that we cut in the grass would get full of sand, so Carl used the top of a coat hanger to pull the "grass" up so we could put more sand underneath. Then he would use the handle of a spoon to try to push the sand under the grass carpet further out to fill the whole sunken area.

It has been quite the project! We've ended up putting 0.5 cu ft of sand in the sunken place. It is still a little sunken, but we've decided it is "good enough"!!!

Saturday, November 23, 2024


We've decided that we should try to get doctors for our "normal" needs in the Mesa area as we are anticipating that we will be located here for a few months each winter. 

Both of us were due for a colonoscopy. We had tried to schedule an appointment in the spring, but, weren't able to get it scheduled (oh bummer -- not!). So...

... we both had appointments just over a week ago Thursday at the Gastroenterology place for the initial consultation.

We went in together, so the doctor only had to tell us the information once, and then we each got to hear the questions and answers for each other.

My colonoscopy was supposed to have been done in 2023 -- 10 years after my previous one. This implies that I had no polyps when my previous colonoscopy was done in Dallas. Carl had his last colonoscopy in 2019. The doctor who did it seems to now be out of business, but Carl thought he was supposed to get one done again in 5 years, which probably meant that he had polyps either in 2019 or when a previous colonoscopy was performed.

Evidently the presence of polyps means that cancer could grow -- so they remove polyps if you have them during the colonoscopy. The doctor also told us that colonoscopies are only recommended up until you are 75 as the cancer that may result from the polyps is slow growing and "something else" would probably take you before the colon cancer even if it was found after 75 (this is Patti's interpretation of what he said). However, if you are quite healthy with no other comorbidities, you can choose to continue having regular colonoscopies up to your 90s. (He mentioned a patient who continues to be very active and very healthy and is choosing to continue to have colonoscopies.) For anyone who has never had a colonoscopy, let me just say that the prep for it is the worst part of it (totally cleaning out your digestion system), and I have a hard time imagining that I would continue having colonoscopies after age 75!!!

My previous colonoscopy also had an endoscopy (looking in from the "other" end) -- I had been having problems with anemia at that time and they were trying to figure out if I was losing blood somewhere -- never found any reason for the anemia so I just take a multi-vitamin with iron to resolve the anemia.

You must have a "responsible adult" to take you to and from the surgery center so we were not allowed to schedule our colonoscopies on the same day. We did fill our "prep" prescriptions at the same time, and when I went in to pick them up, the pharmacist said, "Oh! You're doing it together!" - and then realized that we probably weren't. Carl had told me to ask the pharmacist if there were any "side effects" of the prep, and she assured me that, "Yes, there is a definite side effect!"

Since mine was supposed to have been completed in 2023, I elected to do mine first. It turned out that there was an available appointment for this past Monday morning, so I took it. That meant only clear liquids and Jello for me on Sunday (but not with any red or blue dyes -- I found only the Fry's store brand of orange gelatin had neither red or blue dyes), and then prep all evening. We were glad to have our park model "casa" so I could use the bathroom there for most of the evening.

Carl took me to the surgery center on Monday morning -- they ask you to check in an hour before your procedure, so we were in the waiting room for a while...

... in addition, you see that red dot on the board? That indicates that my doctor was running 30+ minutes late... 
Carl got a picture of the poop-decoration on the end of one of the pens that could be used to sign paperwork.

No issues with my colonoscopy -- so I don't have to do another one for 10 years, and I'll be 75 then so it will be my last one! Hurrah!!

I really was not hungry at all on Sunday -- and not on Monday -- but I was VERY thirsty (the prep has a lot of salts in it). Before Carl goes for his, we want to find out whether he could have water after the prep. I was craving brewed sweet tea, so asked to go to Cracker Barrel on our way home...

Chicken 'n' dumplings -- good comfort food! Seasoned green beans and turnip greens on the side - yum!

Carl had Country Fried Turkey (I guess it is a fall special option) - he liked his dinner too!

I got a good nap in the afternoon and was back to feeling myself by evening.

Carl gets to look forward to his colonoscopy in about 3 weeks...

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Dancing, Homecoming, and Dancing

The Venture Out Friday night dances re-started this past Friday night...

... with one of our favorite bands from last season, Midnight Confessions.

They are a favorite of a lot of the Venture Out residents, so the dance was sold out, and a lot of people on the dance floor.

Saturday was Venture Out's "Homecoming". The Activity Center hosted lunch (chicken and waffles) and there were vendors from outside the park as well as displays of different clubs that reside inside the park.

The plan was for a lot of the vendors to be outside, but the weather was chilly (for Arizona), so they decided to move it inside. The Ham Radio club was asked to come help get vendors to the right places...

... so Carl helped out with that, getting vendors directed to the right places.

We enjoyed visiting different vendors and hearing about what they were representing.

One of the tables was for Po.L.K.of A - Polka Lovers Klub of America - Arizona. We had a friend who had told us about their dances, so we picked up some information from them -- they had a dance scheduled the next day on Sunday afternoon, so we decided to go.

We thought we had understood that they offered dance lessons, but it was more that there are people there who will help you learn the steps. The bands play two polka tunes, two walzes, two country songs, two swing or Latin dances...

This is a flyer from one of the bands that plays for the Po.L.K.of A dances, though they did not play the Sunday afternoon that we went.

Carl is keen to learn some Country Two-step dances, so we tried waltzes and two-step (probably more Texas three-step, because that's what I know...).

The band played well and kept the beat of the songs.

The dance floor was not as crowded as the ballroom at Venture Out, so it was easier for us learning as Carl didn't have to avoid as many other couples as he was learning to move his feet to the steps of the song.

This fellow was selling the polka record collection of one of his relatives who is ill and cannot enjoy them any longer.

We enjoyed being with the Po.L.K.of A group and will probably join them at dances additional times this season. We have also signed up for "Arizona Two Step" lessons that are to be taught at Venture Out starting in January.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Mesa Market Place Swap Meet

There is a weekend market in Mesa called Mesa Market Place and Swap Meet. There are a lot of interesting shops there, and we've learned that it is a good source for certain things. I had wanted to look for "yard decor" and a microfiber "Streak Free" cloth, and Carl wanted some specific bungee cords -- and besides, it is just a fun place to get some walking steps in!

They have live music there at times -- we enjoyed the music being provided by these two fellows.

A view looking down one of the long buildings -- there are 4 long buildings and additional shop spaces at the ends.

One of the teeshirts we saw for sale -- Carl has one with this sentiment on it (though it is on a black tee with colorful letters) that he enjoys wearing. His brother gave it to him for his last birthday, and I think Steve didn't think Carl would wear it, but Carl enjoys wearing it and it is amazing how many people walk up to him and say, "You know, that's true!"

We looked at yard decor, but decided against getting any at this point. We got the other items we had on our list, and a couple of additional things that we could use too!

Monday, November 18, 2024

Enjoying a taste of the Chicago suburbs

The Phoenix area has a number of restaurants that had their starts in other parts of the country...

... while we were out and about last week, we made a stop at Lou Malnatti's, a favorite from the Chicagoland area.

We appreciate the opportunity to enjoy some of our favorites that aren't far away from where we stay in Mesa!

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Music on the Terrace

Each Tuesday night....

... a group of musicians gathers on the Desert Terrace (on the second floor of the community center, outside the ballroom) to share their musical talents with other residents here.

The composition of the group changes from week to week depending on who is available and wants to come to perform. Each performer has the "lead" for a song (picking what he or she wants to play and sing), and they share the music (lyrics and score) with each other on their iPads or tablets. Once their turn is done, it passes to the next person down the line. Some are there just to play their instruments, and they don't pick a song. I think they go through the group a couple of times (maybe 3 times) -- and they generally play for a couple of hours. We don't go every week, but we appreciate the ability to enjoy the talents of our fellow residents.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Block party at our patio!

Our block had its first block party of this season on our patio last Sunday...

Not everyone is back to the resort yet...

... but we had a good turnout!

We had a time of sharing our names and where we live (there are a number of renters who change from year to year).

We set up the food table on our neighbor Barb's driveway (she isn't back to the resort yet).

Looking out across the street

Patio in front of our rig

Another view of the patio with visitor and our rig

It is nice to get together with our neighbors.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

A retro pickup truck

When we went over to the sport courts area (to do some Bocce Ball practice), we saw a retro looking Chevrolet pickup truck...

It looked so new and shiny I thought it was brand new...

... but, based on the info on the back (SSR), I think it was manufactured 2003-2006, so it must be about 20 years old!

The plates are from Arizona, and it has "BL5SSD" as the license plate number. I guess that, other than sun damage, vehicles in Arizona can remain in good shape for a long time.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Learning a new sport

We took a Bocce Ball lesson last week...

I guess there are multiple ways in which Bocce Ball might be played -- we saw it played on the beach in Dominican Republic back in November 2022. At Venture Out, it is played on a flat smoothly-carpeted surface with side boards and part of the strategy of the game is playing off the side boards (like a pool table).

A frame is begun by rolling a small red ball called the palina. That then becomes the target for the other balls that are thrown. The palina and the other balls all have to hit the surface behind the white line -- no lofting of the balls down the court.

At the end of a frame, the color ball that is closest to the palina gains a point (looks like blue in this case, though we measured with a special device, because sometimes looks are deceiving). If there are additional blue balls closer to the palina than any of the white balls, then blue will get a point for each ball that they have closer than any white ball.

Each side throws 4 balls, so it is possible that one side might get as many as 4 points in a frame. The game is to 12 points.

We have since gone back and practiced, trying to get a feel for how hard to throw the palina and the balls and the impact of playing off of the side (what angle to use to get closest to the palina under different conditions). While it is possible to roll the ball directly toward the palina (not angling off a side), at least on our courts, the surface is not quite as level as it should be, so often the ball takes an odd curve due to curvature that is not obvious, at least to our eyes. That can happen when playing off the side, but doesn't seem to be as pronounced.

At any rate, we enjoyed learning the game, and may end up joining the Bocce Ball group and trying to play some games in the future.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Carl's in-rig "ham shack"

The area of the home where an amateur radio operator has his/her radio equipment is often referred to as their "ham shack".

This is Carl's current ham shack inside Gracie.

He is enjoying getting his equipment working with his antennas and participating in various "nets" during the week. Nets are planned communication times to make sure equipment is working correctly and for the operator to practice using the equipment. For example, something may have changed in your setup that causes a "buzz" in your radio transmission, and you wouldn't know about it unless others on the net let you know that there is a buzz that wasn't there the last time you were on the radio. Then a process ensues to determine what has changed since the last time you were on the radio; it may have nothing to do with the radio specifically, but rather that a new LED light is in use or another type of interference has entered the environment.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

When friends visit...

One of the things we particularly enjoy about Venture Out is that we get together with friends frequently... and our neighbor friends have a "friend" that they bring with them that we enjoy...

Cooper is the sweetest dog! What liquid brown eyes!!!

And, when he gets tired, he just places his head on someone's knee or on a table and takes a nap! Or he may lie down on the floor for his nap. In this case, he probably was been keeping his nose close to snacks on the table. He would never take them, but he is willing to take any hand outs that you may want to share!

His human companions (Linda and Don) have been told that his breed may be Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (

We enjoy it when Linda and Don come to visit, and we particularly enjoy having Cooper come to visit with them!!!