Tuesday, November 26, 2024

5K walk/run

Our resort had a 5K walk or run ("Turkey Trot") last week. The ham radio group was asked to help with giving directions along the route and making sure people were not having difficulty as they progressed.

Carl was volunteering as part of the ham radio group, and I went along as a "ham-ster" (the moniker I have adopted as being a ham-radio wife who isn't also a ham).

We were assigned a specific corner on which to provide directions to the participants. The route took the participants around the outer edge of the resort and then they did another loop around one of the middle streets. We were at the corner where the two loops met -- when the first folks came through, they were all exiting the outer loop and starting the inner loop -- but before very many of those folks came through, the first runner was finishing the inner loop. We were glad to have both of us at the corner so one could watch for the participants coming off the outer loop and get them directed one way, and the other of us could watch for the inner loop folks and get them sent to the finish. It wasn't really all that difficult, but we didn't realize that the runners would finish the whole course so quickly!

We had balloons and vests so the participants would be able to see us and look to us for directions.

We brought the balloons home....

... and decided to see if Miss Kitty would enjoy being lighter!

Let's just say that she was NOT amused!

We were glad to be out enjoying the nice weather and encouraging the participants who were making their way through the course!

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