Saturday, December 28, 2024

Vision for Christmas - part 2

I wrote about a week ago about planning to have cataract surgery during the Christmas holidays...

Going in to Swagel Wooten Eye Institute at 6:30am on 12/23...

... no one at the check in desk, but Carl saw a small sign over on the left side of the room indicating to check in for surgery at a room over there.

I got checked in, and had my right eye operated on, and was done by 7:45am.

Since the office would be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, the "next day" post op checkup was done on Monday afternoon...

... here I am waiting for the doctor to come in to check the results of the surgery.

After the first eye was done, I was shocked at the difference between the colors of things as seen with my right eye versus my (still-with-a-cataract) left eye -- bright and colorful versus dull and dingy and yellow. However, my left eye seemed to have better vision -- my right eye felt like there was a film over my eye, even when the protective lens was gone. When the doctor checked my eyesight, he said that I tested at 20/40 without my glasses which was acceptable to drive. I thought, "Yikes, that's scary, there are people driving with the vision I have right now?"

On Thursday, we returned to the Eye Institute for the second surgery -- my appointment was at 7am, but we went early as we figured they would send me back home -- Carl and I had given each other a cold/flu for Christmas and I was very stuffed up and coughing. But they checked my temperature and said that it was okay to proceed. They asked me to let them know before I needed to cough so the doctor could move his instruments away from my eye -- as far as I remember, I only asked once, and I tried to move my hands up to cover my cough and they said, "No, no -- sterile!" Anyway, I made it through the second eye surgery.

On Friday, we once again returned to the Eye Institute for the next-day post op checkup. I was really struggling with coughing so didn't ask many questions, and Carl stayed in the car for the same reason. The doctor said that everything was looking good and he let me know that my vision was now 20/25 without glasses. 

Now it is two days after surgery on the second eye, and I am seeing clearly with both eyes for distance vision (I will continue to need corrective lenses for reading and computer use). What is most amazing to me is still colors -- the amazingly clear, bright, vivid, vibrant shades of colors! Carl tells me that I will get used to it quickly and it won't seem so amazing anymore, but for right now, I am loving all the beautiful colors in the world!

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