Saturday, October 12, 2024

Back in our spot in Mesa!

We got back to our lot at Venture Out in Mesa on Wednesday, and we've been settling in since then.

After we got our lot cleaned up (at least most of the weeds bagged up ready to be taken to the trash bins)...

Gracie and the Jee-rage in our lot

As I related in the last post (, we had to clean up a lot of weeds from our lot before we could park, and in the triple-digit temperatures, it was tough getting that done.

Since arriving on Wednesday, we've allocated 1-2 hours each morning (before the temps pass the mid-90s) to get a few tasks completed. We figure out what the "next" thing is to do and try to get at least *that* task completed. 

On Thursday morning, we continued with weed removal. We also visited the casa to remind ourselves of how we had left it and start to identify what we need to do there before visitors come (first one to arrive 10/20).

On Friday morning, we got the Jee-rage emptied of the things that were in it from the Alaska trip (and from emptying bays for Freedom RV to do the slide service) -- spare tire, Jeep front cover for towing on rough roads, patio mat brought back from Virginia, folding chairs, etc.. Then we had room to take the bags of weeds to the dumpster.

On Saturday morning, we started "cleaning" our grass (more on that in another post). We unfolded the mat that we had retrieved from the container in Virginia, put it down on on the patio, and started retrieving the outdoor furniture from the covered patio of the casa and placing it on the mat to hold it down.

It is starting to look like "Home" for the winter!!! We still need to clean the outdoor furniture and put the cushions out, but it is still too warm to want to sit outside, so that can wait a couple of days.

The weather forecast indicates that we should have cooler weather next week -- 90s by Monday, 80s by Friday -- so maybe we'll be able to work outside more hours each day!

We *have* been getting things done inside -- lots and lots of laundry as well as other cleaning, putting canned goods and spices away since we now have access to their storage locations -- have I mentioned how exciting it is to have both of our front slides working and access to all of our inside storage?!?!?!? We are happy to be back in Mesa and in one spot for a while!

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