Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Bay Landing

Check this out:

Anything special you notice about where the rig is parked?

If you are observant, you may have noticed that it is no longer in the "campground" (parking lot) at National Indoor RV Center!

We moved to a Thousand Trails Campground, Bay Landing, between Bridgeport and Runaway Bay, still in north central Texas, but no longer in the service center.

If you look even *more* closely, you may notice that there is no awning on Gracie... :-(

We had considered that if they weren't going to finish up with the awning by Wednesday, we were going to go ahead and leave for a few days just to get away from the service center. 

We were also coming to the conclusion that they really weren't going to get the awning installed anytime soon.

Sure enough, the guy who has been working with us on the awning came out to meet with us on Tuesday late afternoon (after I had written yesterday's blog post). He had just come from a discussion with his parts department. They indicated that their best information indicated that the support arms that we needed should be arriving by truck to their Dallas central distribution area on Monday, 11/30 -- !but! that the distribution area was woefully understaffed and they probably would not even get to unloading the truck for possibly a few weeks (!!!). We discussed various options, and decided that it was not worth it to us to stay around another few weeks waiting for these parts. We asked if it would be possible to transfer the work to the NIRVC in Phoenix, and the guy working with us was willing to try to make that happen (so we don't have to come back to Dallas *again* to try to have this work done). He apologized profusely, said that this is beyond frustrating to him, said that we were not the only customers he has dealing with awning problems. It seems that Dometic changed the design of the awning and the awning arms that we need are no longer produced... but Dometic will indicate that they have what is needed and are sending it -- which came with the awning that was shipped. But, that design will not fit our coach, and the body shop folks have spent many man-hours trying to retrofit it without success (on someone else's coach). It is possible that the awning arms on the truck that is supposed to arrive on 11/30 (which won't be unloaded and delivered for another few weeks) could, once again, be incorrect. However, he said that he now knows precisely what we need, and he will not notify us that they have the parts until they have *all* the correct parts we need.

We already had reservations at the Thousand Trails that was just over an hour away, so it was an easy decision to say, "We'll just head on out, and let you continue working on the awning without us sitting here."

That brings us to Bay Landing! The campground is on a part of Lake Bridgeport.  The water near the campground is actually called Hackberry Slough -- somehow that doesn't sound so appealing! I looked it up, and it seems that "slough" means "swamp" or shallow lake.

We haven't walked down to the lake yet, but there is a path right behind our motorhome, and I'm sure we will check it out while we're here.

View out the front -- the sites here are quite long and widely spaced with mesquite trees around.

Gracie all set up.

Oh! An update - I had mentioned in a previous blog post about a couple there at NIRVC with us who had not had hot water for several days... the manager at NIRVC made the correct decision to put the new water heating system into their rig on Tuesday, so they had hot water last night when we talked with them! We were all dancing with joy! We had 5 couples around the fire pit Tuesday night (4 at any one time - some had to leave and others came) - and nice conversation all around. While the "campground" at NIRVC isn't luxurious, it actually was a friendly place with the other folks there. We are all in similar situations, living in rigs that are constantly needing something fixed. We were all discussing how the lack of getting things finished at NIRVC makes us frustrated, everyone seemed to feel that it would not be better anywhere else, and a couple of them had experience in other places that backed that opinion up. Two of the couples who had been there with us the 13 days we were there this time had really appreciated us hosting the evening fire every other night or so -- and we were sorry to be leaving them. But, it was time for us to be going, and we feel an immense sense of relief to be back on our way west!

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