Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

Carl and I are spending our first Thanksgiving Day together, and we're making (and sharing) memories as we go! 

Regina made us such a nice Thanksgiving dinner before we left the farm, and set the bar so high on yummy food, that we knew we couldn't come close, but, we decided to do what we could!

Getting a turkey that would fit in our small oven was the first challenge. We measured and determined that the bird could be at most 8" tall -- so in addition to getting a small turkey, it also needed to be short from back to breast. We looked through a number of turkeys at the store and finally got one that we thought was the best option. It was 15 pounds, but it was actually an inch shorter than the smaller ones!

The turkey ready to go into the oven - in the cooking bag and in disposable roasting pans (we used two to give additional strength).

We used a temperature probe to check the doneness as it was cooking.

We noticed a rig leaving a couple of sites down from us while we were making preparations. It was a very odd looking rig -- looked to be homegrown. We only saw a single woman with it. We hadn't noticed it before so had not taken the opportunity to talk to her to learn any more about it.

We took a walk while the turkey was roasting. One of the "permanent" sites has an interesting outside table - it is metal and has 2 seats on each side and they are all swings. I'm not sure how easy it would be to get onto the seat and stay on it safely, but it is definitely interesting looking!

Eventually (read that as "a lot later than we expected"), the turkey was done. After letting it rest for a little while, Carl started carving.

Wow! That looks great! (The disposable roasting pan turned into the storage pan for the cut off meat.)

We made use of the pull-out buffet counter for the first time since we've been together in Gracie.

We also cooked some things on the stovetop - though we realized that, since our campsite here only has 30A of power, we couldn't run the oven and the stovetop at the same time... until Carl remembered that we also have a generator and it would provide us with all the power we would need! So we used the generator at the end when we were using the stovetop and the oven at the same time.


I don't think that anyone eating here today went away hungry!

Even though it seems like a LOT for two people to have a turkey dinner, we wanted to have the experience of making it, knew that we would enjoy leftovers, and that we could enjoy turkey soup made with broth from the bones (the broth is currently being made in the Instant Pot). We also think that we were probably just a *little* ambitious on the number of different items that we made, but, we enjoyed the experience.

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