Sunday, October 24, 2021

Feeding the "Beasties"

One of the tasks we get to do while on the farm is feed the "beasties", aka the "teenagers", who are pastured across the road. This involves using Jimmy's truck, loading up the feed mixture (Jimmy grinds it with specific components - into buckets, driving down the the road a short distance to the gate into the pasture (which can be a challenge as it seems many of the vehicles using the road in front of the farm think they are on a speedway and are not very interested in slowing down for farm vehicles), going into the gate (which can be a "shocking" experience -- and then distributing the feed into the troughs. 

Some of the beasties are very wary of new staff (Carl and me) -- these two would not come up to the troughs as long as we were around.

Others may overcome their reticence, but keep a close eye on us!

This group of beasties is a lot more wary in general than the ones we encountered last year.

This picture is from the next day -- the group coming to the area where the troughs are located - watching us *very* carefully!

Staying well away from the trough where I am..

After we put feed in all the troughs, we try to count to make sure none are missing -- I climbed up on the bumper of the pickup truck - it sometimes is hard to see a smaller beastie between two large ones at a trough, and getting up higher can help with perspective.

 Always interesting and often fun!

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