Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Various pictures

As days go by, sometimes there are pictures that don't really "fit" with other things and don't really make a story on their own (you might think this happens more frequently than I think it does and thus you wonder why I'm writing a blog entry about some specific minor thing!!!). Anyway... so I get some pictures cleared out of my "potential blog pictures" folder on my computer, here goes "various pictures"...

A few days ago, when we took trash and recycling to the bins using the Jeep (we can have trash collected at our site, but to put recycling out, we have to put it in clear plastic bags, and we don't have those, so we just collect it in the rig and then take it out to the recycling bin once a week or so) -- anyway, Carl noticed that one of the Jeep's brake lights was not working, so we headed out to Autozone to get a new bulb...

He used a reference book in the store to determine the right bulb to get.

When he came back out with the bulb, he told me that it would be less than a 4 minute job to get the new bulb into place. Since we've been married, I've noted that his time estimates are often, ahem, "ambitious" (i.e. it often takes 3-4 times the amount of time he's estimated, but that *could* be because I'm helping!).

Going about the job

Just for fun, I set my watch on stopwatch mode -- sure enough, he completed the brake light replacement, complete with verification test and buttoning up the task in just over 2 1/2 minutes -- well under his 4 minute estimate!!!

Another day we were at the local thrift store looking for "togas". Our resort is having a "Toga Day" on February 29, and, while we have sheets for our bed, we thought that it might be just as well to get sheets for the event that we could then donate back to the thrift store afterwards. We had found two twin flat sheets that were the same color/design, and were trying to figure out how to drape a toga, when friend Gayle from Val Vista Villages appeared!! It is funny because we had been wanting to get together with them (and since have), but we've run into Gayle at a couple of places located between Venture Out (where we are) and Val Vista Villages (where she and Tom are staying).

On another day, there was a bloodmobile visit at Venture Out -- I had checked the appointment schedule against things we already had scheduled and didn't find a time that I could book ahead of time. When we finished with exercise, though, I stopped in the Bloodmobile Bus and they said that they could take me then. It is interesting how they have everything set up in the small space for them to work and folks to be able to donate blood.

This is a "pocket" garden on one of our neighbor's lots. I have heard the flowers called Desert Daisy or Arizona Daisy, but I cannot find those listed in the book I have of "Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert". They are blooming in a number of yards around... I am pretty sure that they are a wildflower and that they reseed into the same area -- and also into neighboring areas - aka weeds!

I think I'm caught up on "random" pictures for now!

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