Friday, April 10, 2020

More miles on Thursday...

We headed out from Jackson, TN, at about 8am, stopped at the Love's to get wheels re-torqued (no charge!) before getting back onto I-40 and were on our way by 9am. All the way across Tennessee and into Virginia before stopping for the night at the Cracker Barrel in Wytheville. The rig did not start right away in the morning, but turning off the chassis batteries and back on did the trick, and we didn't cut off the engine from morning through stopping in the evening.

The Welcome sign is still there coming into Virginia, even though we've heard that campgrounds cannot accommodate anyone for stays less than 2 weeks... so we're glad to be self-contained and able to stay at other facilities on our trip.

Some pictures from Carl's phone over the past two days...
Carl was impressed with the high flyovers of the interchanges in Dallas... I told him that I thought that the High-5 at 75 and I-635 was the highest, but we didn't get there - so he took this as we were leaving Lewisville at I-35E and PGB Turnpike.

I mentioned in the post yesterday that I had washed the windshield when we stopped for fuel (even though you couldn't tell it by the number of bugs on the windshield in the picture)... so this is documentation that I did, indeed, wash the windshield.

It is nice that truck stops have nice long handled poles, and they keep nice clean water available.
Additional information from Friday morning:
We woke up to *snow* (!!!) on the ground this morning at the Wytheville, VA Cracker Barrel:
At first we thought, "Is it a heavy frost?"

It was also lawn mowing day... neither rain nor snow nor dark of night will stop these yard maintenance guys from their appointed rounds!

It started really coming down... tiny flakes....

And then the sun was shining and the snow was falling!

Accumulation on our windshield wipers

If we would move the rig, the snow could melt on that bank beside us... notice that the light pole shadow also has left a trail of snow!
We hope to soon be moving east, to make it to the farm before too late today!

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