Thursday, April 30, 2020

The threat is global, but language is not

COVID-19: The threat is global, but language is not.

Sorry - the formatting of this entry went wonky somehow, so I edited it and have re-posted.

Many of you know that Carl and I volunteered with SIL International at the International Linguistics Center (ILC) for a few months over the past year. We came to a much greater understanding of the importance of receiving important information in the language that you understand best. I'm proud to let you know that SIL International is responding to the #COVID19 crisis in a powerful way - by helping people get the health information they need in a language they understand.

An overview picture of the ILC campus
SIL International estimates that 30% of people everywhere cannot find basic health information in their first language to protect their communities from COVID-19. Will you help me raise funds to translate and distribute relevant health information to communities and families in lesser-known local languages around the world?

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to threaten communities worldwide. As individuals, we take action to protect ourselves and our families based on the access we have to clear and relevant health information. Staying informed is the first step to staying healthy. Help me give that same opportunity to millions of people who speak local languages around the world.

Your gift will give life-saving information to those who need it most!

Take a look at these amazing examples of how SIL is supporting local communities as they make health information available in the community's language. Check out some cool samples here:
and then check out this page:
and give today!


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