Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Things I've overheard that are likely to only be heard in Vegas

I went on Tuesday to the Aveda training school here in Las Vegas to get a facial. The services are performed by supervised students. I had gone there in times past when I've been in Las Vegas and I appreciate the service that they provide. Plus, there was a Groupon available, and a special on the Groupon site for even more off on the price, so, heck, it was nearly free!!!

In the school area, the separation from one esthetician and her client and the next esthetician/client is just a cloth curtain. While everyone generally tries to be quiet, sometimes folks aren't thinking and are a bit louder than they need to be. After I was settled and my esthetician was out getting the materials for my facial, the client next to my area arrived, apologizing for being late (they try to get everyone started at about the same time so the noisy part of introductions and questions/answers is over), and, she was a little, uhm, loud...

Two things I heard that made me think, "Hmmm, I must be in Las Vegas":

  • The esthetician was asking the client about her skin composition (oily, normal, dry) in various places (nose, chin, forehead), and then she asked the client about whether her muscles were tense or relaxed in various places (arms, legs, shoulders, low back) -- the client indicated that her muscles were tense all over because "I lost all my money at the casino last night!" (Sure hope she has enough left to pay for this facial!)
  • The client went on to share that she had an appointment for make-up to be done after the facial, because, "I *think* I might be getting married later today." (As far as I could tell, she was totally serious -- other things she had said indicated that she was not from Las Vegas, and that she had come to Las Vegas with someone, and... I guess they had talked about getting married, but she wasn't sure whether it was going to happen or not.)
After that, I didn't hear much from the next door cubicle... I wonder if they moved her somewhere else or if she relaxed for the facial and had nothing more to say.

Anyway, I was thinking... now, that isn't something I would have overheard in Dallas, or Mesa, or... really anywhere else other than Las Vegas!

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