Saturday, December 4, 2021


Patti's former co-worker, Warren, and his wife, Sarena, live near Hendersonville, TN. We had thought about staying at a campground where Patti and Dwayne stayed several years ago (2014), but found that we could stay at the First Baptist Church of Hendersonville ( 

We visited with Warren and Sarena on Thursday afternoon, enjoying IBM memories (at one point, Carl started a sentence with, "When I was working at IBM... " -- to which I commented, "Now I know this next statement is a lie because he didn't work for IBM!" -- he had been hearing "IBM" and seeing "IBM" things so much that his brain was confused!) -- and had a great dinner with them also.

After dinner, Warren set up his camera to take a picture of all of us...

Here is Warren's picture - it came out really nice!

Carl did a selfie, and it came out nice too!

I was glad that Carl got to meet Warren and Sarena, and they got to meet him too!

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