Sunday, September 18, 2022

Mom's new room and my new look

I had an ophthalmologist appointment on Friday morning way down in Naperville, so afterwards we decided to visit Carl's Mom. 

I mentioned a few days ago that the facility (Windsor Park) would be moving Mom to a newly renovated room "soon" ( -- "soon" translated to Thursday this week. Carl and I were busy with scheduled appointments pretty much all day (I saw a new doctor to take on my "regular doctoring responsibilities", and saw the same dentist that I had seen last year -- this time for a cleaning, and Miss Kitty had an appointment to see her new vet, as her previous vet in Coppell retired about a year ago) -- so most faithful Karen went to be with Mom as her belongings were moved.

Mom in her new room

Looking toward the building hallway

The newly redesigned closet area -- there is to be a small refrigerator put into the spot where the boxes currently are.

I mentioned in the previous post that I was surprised to find no medicine cabinet, but was pleased to see that they have put a medicine cabinet up on the side wall of the bathroom. Karen was able to get almost everything into the closet and drawers - other than those boxes - and we were able to get the two big boxes relocated to the space under her desk.

We had wanted to take Mom out for lunch, but taking her out of the facility is rather exhausting for her, so we took her to the grill that is just off the main lobby. She seemed to enjoy the Reuben and fries that she had for lunch.

On the way, we passed the Woodshop, with this interesting sign!

After seeing my new primary care doctor on Thursday, she recommended a number of followup appointments with other doctors. This had its own set of challenges in scheduling as we plan to leave this area by mid-October. I was able to get an appointment with an ophthalmologist on Friday morning (although a good distance away, in Naperville). I have had a swelling on my eyelid for a couple of months - I figured it was just a stye, but I wasn't accustomed to having them stay around for a long time. The ophthalmologist confirmed that it is a stye and recommended frequent hot compresses -- with a microwavable heat pack so it would stay warm longer -- along with some ointment...

My look with the new hot pack -- it is rather difficult to have my glasses on while I have the hot pack on too, and the face recognition software on my computer doesn't seem to recognize me anymore, but at least I can kinda sorta type this blog while undergoing this treatment. Any additional typos or oddities should be blamed on this additional challenge!

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