Thursday, December 8, 2022

Some humor and food pictures...

A few days ago I posted that I thought that pumpkin pie was simply a whipped topping delivery vehicle for Carl... one of his cousins posted a joke photo that took that a bit further:

"Would you like pumpkin pie with your whipped topping, sir?"

While we were in Virginia, I was visiting with a friend from grade school and she mentioned having difficulty seeing the label of a product. I shared that I would take a picture and then zoom in on it... Carl did that earlier this week to get the directions for cooking rice so he could see it (part of the problem is that the package is twisted and rubber-banded which makes seeing the label more challenging). I guess we could have gotten our magnifying glass out, but the camera in the phone works for us!

While we were in Ohio, our friend, Jane, shared a kombucha pellicle with Carl -- he had shared one from his brew with her about a year before, and he had then stopped brewing kombucha for about a year. He got the bottles from the container while we were on the farm, and he is starting to brew kombucha in the rig again. This picture is when he is about ready to harvest from the gallon container and put it into the smaller bottles.

Carl had made the rice a few days before because "Wok with Tok" (his YouTube stir-fry instructor) recommends that the rice used in fried rice be refrigerated for a day or more before going into the wok. So, after making the rice, a couple of days later he made us delicious chicken and vegetable fried rice!

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