Tuesday, May 7, 2024

A visit with friends

One of the ladies, Marilyn, who babysat me when I was growing up -- at the house where we lived until I was in first grade -- had noticed on Facebook that we would be in New Kent and asked if it would be possible for us to get together. We settled on last Tuesday and she came, bringing her brother and two sisters with her!

We had a good visit, catching up about friends and memories, reminiscing about times past. They, of course, remember my Mom and Dad and Aunt Libby -- so it was good to hear their memories of my family. It was so good to see all of them!

Frances, Bobby, Carl, Patti, Janice (Marilyn taking picture)

Frances, Bobby, Marilyn, Patti, Janice (Carl taking picture)

It is always fun to bring to memory times with friends!

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