Sunday, May 26, 2024

Meeting Addi

One of the things we were most looking forward to as we visited the Chicagoland area was getting to meet Carl's new granddaughter, Addison Rose, as well as spending time with her mom and dad, Shay and Steve. Friday was the day we were able to visit with them...

Papa gets to meet Addi!

Proud dad, Steve

Giving Papa a halfway grin!

Grand-dog Indy is wanting to have access to Carl's lap too!

Carl enjoying his new granddaughter

She got a little fussy...

... but she enjoyed being up on his shoulder for a little while, too.

Patti got to hold her for a little while too!

Somehow we missed getting a picture of Shay and Steve together with their beautiful daughter -- we will have to remedy that the next time we see them!

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