Saturday, May 25, 2024

Visiting Mom

We appreciate the opportunity to visit family while in Elgin, and Thursday, we drove to visit Carl's Mom where she lives in Carol Stream.

Carl found a couple of pictures of his Mom on the bulletin where it showed her enjoying events at the facility...

Probably Mardi Gras

Halloween or Fall or Harvest time

We had arranged to meet up with Carl's sister-in-law, Karen, at the facility, and we all went out into the courtyard and enjoyed watching baby ducks in the courtyard as well as seeing what flowers were blooming.

We went back inside for Mom to be able to participate in balloon tennis...

They use badminton rackets to hit the balloon around to different ones in the circle. They all seemed to have a good time!

Activities on Thursday (the day we were there)

Karen got Verna up to do some walking with the walker -- she was able to walk about the whole length of the hallway. We brought the wheelchair along so she could have a seat when she needed a break...

Carl and his Mom after her walk

Carl and Karen and his Mom

Then Karen suggested that we take Mom over to a social room on a neighboring hall where there is a jigsaw puzzle set up. Mom immediately got started working on the puzzle!

It is good to be in the area so we can visit with Carl's Mom!

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