Monday, July 1, 2024

About to leave Illinois and heading west...

We wrapped up some last to-do's in Illinois...

We went to the laundromat and caught up on a couple of weeks of dirty clothes... since we only have water/electric hookups (no sewer) at Paul Wolff, we don't do laundry in our rig. With the weather being quite warm (90s) while we were there, we had quire a lot of wash to do. Laundromats are nice because we can get all the wash done in a short time. The picture is of two dryers that we were using -- and we noted that one looked like a black-and-white TV and the other like a color TV!

Carl wanted to visit a White Castle before leaving the Illinois area. He asked me if I didn't think that there would be White Castle burgers in heaven -- I said, "Maybe in your neighborhood!"

I was grateful that there was a Steak and Shake near the White Castle, so I could get something I would enjoy more than White Castle!

The last evening at Paul Wolff -- the weather promised to get nicer after we left.

We left on Thursday morning -- Miss Kitty took her customary location on the lap of whomever is in the passenger seat.

After not too many miles, we entered Wisconsin.

We stopped for the night in West Salem, near La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Right across from our campsite, there was a pool of water being with a continuously running spigot.

Our campsite in Veteran's Memorial Campground in West Salem.

On Friday, we pulled out and continued west...

Soon after we left the campground, we came to a bridge...

... crossing the Mississippi. The rivers in this area are very full as the rain has been very heavy.

Welcome to Minnesota!

Miss Kitty again napping on the passenger's lap.

While our journey since we left Mesa in March has had a destination of joining our caravan to Alaska on July 6, we really feel that now our sights are set on heading to Alaska!

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