Sunday, July 28, 2024

Fantasy Caravan Day 21 & 22 - Dawson City

Friday evening, Fantasy had provided tickets for us to attend the show at Diamond Tooth Gerties. Carl went and got pictures...

Inside the hall

Stage area -- the piano and drums on the left provided the music during the show

Dancing girls

Showing flexibility!

A change of costumes

Additional dancers were recruited

Demonstrating their skills

After some brief instruction...

The new recruits were ready to join the troupe!

Diamond Tooth Gertie is evidently the lady in blue on the right. This was for "Bicycle Built for Two", but Carl said that they did a number of more current songs too which seemed to him (and to me) a little strange.

Outside the show hall when Carl left, there was a line of folks waiting to get in.

On Saturday, we elected to go with a few other coaches to cross the river a day earlier than required by the tour schedule and boondock along Top of the World Highway on the other side.

In the afternoon, we headed down to the ferry "dock" uhm there isn't a dock, maybe, rough spot on the shore?

Ferry coming in with folks crossing over to Dawson City

I was driving the Jeep separately so I boarded first and crossed a few trips before Gracie, Carl, and Miss Kitty made it on.

My view from the front of the ferry.

Carl's picture of the Jee-rage as it is going up the road on the other side.

One of our fellow Fantasy Caravan travelers on the ferry before Carl would go.

My picture from across the river of Gracie next in line.

Gracie boarding:

Carl's view while on the ferry

The ferry trip carrying Carl, Gracie, and Miss Kitty across:

Miss Kitty supervising (well, maybe sleeping)

Gracie disembarking:

We drove up about 10 miles along Top of the World Highway to an area where several RVs should be able to park and settled in. This was one of our views!

We should be in Alaska on Sunday!

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