Wednesday, November 24, 2021

A brief Williamsburg visit

On Tuesday, on our way back from Virginia Beach, we stopped at Williamsburg for lunch and a walk around... Even though I went to the last two years of high school and 4 years of college in Williamsburg, I really don't know how the roads go around the city -- I don't know whether that's because new roads have been added (I know that some have) or whether it is because I pretty much stayed on the William and Mary campus and walking in the historic area, and didn't drive very much... at any rate, we found a place to park near Merchants Square and walked which was more in my comfort zone!

Looking toward W&M and the Wren Building from Merchants Square

We were going to The Cheese Shop for lunch

Merchants Square

Carl aptly described the atmosphere inside the Cheese Shop as slightly organized chaos. It was quite crowded, and there were multiple lines to get into: "Order Here", "Pickup Here", "Pay Here". We navigated each one and found two seats next to the front windows where we could people-watch as we enjoyed our sandwiches.

A new addition since I was in school at W&M -- a skating rink right in the middle of DoG (Duke of Gloucester) Street.

It was a bit chilly fall day so folks were enjoying the ice skating!

A view of the Governor's Palace down Palace Green from DoG Street

Some of the colonial houses along DoG Street

We walked from the Wren Building to the Capitol on DoG Street and then crossed over to Nicholson Street and walked back to where we had parked. On the way, we saw a few of the colonial interpreters walking a couple of the carriage horses... I guess back to their pasture...

A picture as the horses got closer to us... just to the left side of the street was a huge oak tree - you can see the branches hanging down over the horses -- a sign on it indicated it to be a "Compton Oak" which I had not heard of - it was a beautiful tree. We didn't get a picture of it, but I found some information about it online:

It was nice to re-trace some of my memories in and around Williamsburg.

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