Saturday, November 20, 2021

Working on tasks while we're at the farm

We have a number of things that we're working on while at the farm -- some have to do with the storage that we have in the container and going through storage in Gracie and moving things that we have not used in the past year out of Gracie (and into the container or giving things away).

We are grateful that most boxes in the container are labeled...

... and that we have a spreadsheet identifying what each box contains... that way, we can usually (sometimes?) find things that we're looking for!

One task that we got done this trip is destroying (by burning) old financial records that had been used for preparing taxes 7+ years ago. We felt like we must be working for some politician as we were burning all this paper! Burning was SO much quicker than shredding that we had done last year.

A few days ago, while in Providence Forge, we delivered some items to the local thrift store...

Now it is in their storage container instead of ours!

In addition, as I've documented in other posts, Jimmy was able to complete Gracie's annual maintenance, and Carl completed the house battery project. There are still more projects we would like to get done... but... they may not get completed during this visit!

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