Thursday, June 13, 2024

A visit to White Pines State Park

One of the places that Carl and his family enjoyed going to White Pines State Park for hiking and to enjoy their Sunday Buffet. We invited friends Candy and Greg to meet us there on Sunday...

There are log buildings...

... built by the CCC back in the 1930s.

We went to enjoy the buffet -- unfortunately, something was wrong with the steam table on the day we were there, so they had a reduced menu and seating in the banquet room (not in the lodge proper).

The buffet was okay... and we got 20% off since it was a reduced menu -- although it wasn't quite as good as Carl remembered it.

Information about the restaurant, cabins, and theater.

A funny teeshirt in the gift shop!

Selfie station on the grounds

It had rained quite a bit in the previous days, so we weren't sure whether the trails would be muddy or not...

... but they were okay, and nicely shaded.

The trail we ended up on had quite a few stream crossings -- we weren't sure about whether it was wise to try them...

... but once we started, it continued to be a challenge to our "older" bodies' balance and agility!

Greg demonstrating great balance in the middle of the stream

Carl contemplating his next step

Candy elegantly showing her balletic skills!

While the grounds around the lodge and cabins were well maintained (kept up with mowing), the trails had a number of trees down across the paths which had obviously been there for a while and which probably should have been cut and moved. 

As we left the park, we drove through the campground. The campground has no services (no hookups) so is primarily intended for use by tents. There were a few folks there in tents, but it wasn't at all full.

Carl was surprised and a little disappointed by the lack of things he had been looking forward to (good buffet, good hiking trails) -- but he reminisced about fun family times there shared with Sue and their children -- and it was nice visiting those places in his memories!

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