Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Post-elopement party!

Carl's youngest daughter, Pamela, had her post-elopement celebration this past weekend. 

Saturday was the day for posed pictures, catered dinner, and dancing...

Carl with his youngest granddaughter - Addi...

"Papa time"

Dylan (the groom) and his parents

The whole company -- Carl's 5 children and their families, Dylan's mom and dad, and Carl's sister-in-law, Karen, and her two sons.

Bride Pamela and Groom Dylan with parents

Carl's 5 children (the siblings)

Dylan with the "sibs"

Pamela with her sisters, sisters-in-law, and nieces

Janet (Dylan's mom) took a picture of us in the basement of the AirBnB where the party event was held.

Dylan and Pamela dancing (1st dance?)

Carl and Pamela sharing a dance

Baby ear protectors!

Dancing to Xanadu!

Grands Reese and Blaise playing a super match of Jenga

Dylan and some of the grands enjoyed the pool table in the basement.

Lianna preparing to make a shot!

Son Steve and his wife, Shay (Addi's parents)

Joel (Joan's husband) and their son Roman

The dance party wrapped up at 10pm (house rules)

It was quite the event with all the family gathered together!

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