Thursday, June 27, 2024

Sunday - candid photo-shoot, AirBnB part deux, Lou Malnati's pizza

On Sunday, we met at a forest preserve where a friend of Pamela and Dylan's was to come to do some casual pictures of the family...

Grandson, Roman, with granddaughter, Addi

Tree-climbers! Can you see two?

Lounging in the shade

more lounging

Nap time?

Addi is the "pass around" baby

Official photographer (back right) getting some pictures

Cousins card game

Scott sharing some songs

We finished up at the park and headed back to the Pamela and Dylan's AirBnB to consume leftovers from Saturday.

After lunch,

... some went into the hot tub...

... some took naps!

Others were playing pool in the basement or enjoying the hammock.

In the late afternoon, we went to son Steve's house...

Grands on the first floor playing a video game...

video game...

We ordered Lou Malnati's pizza == son Steve slicing the pizzas.

Visitation of shoes at the front door!

Time with family, and lots of eating!

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