Sunday, June 2, 2024

Visits to places of Carl's past

After visiting the cemetery on Monday, we continued on to places in Elmhurst that were parts of Carl's growing up life...

We went to Hamburger Heaven ( for lunch...

It opened in 1948, 7 years before McDonald's started flipping burgers. They are known for Richardson Draft Root Beer.

Burger and fries for lunch!

We then drove around Carl's high school - York High

We visited the convenience store where Carl started work when he was 14 years old. At that time, it was a White Hen Pantry. He was the person who opened the store in the morning and got the coffee going when he was just 14 years old! A very responsible young man! It is now a 7-Eleven.

Carl told me that he had not gone into the store since he quit working there when he was 16 (he quit just before the holidays in November). He started working at Jewel Foods in January of the following year after having the holidays off from work.

Carl going into the store for the first time since he was 14 years old. He said that the layout of the store had changed a lot. We talked with the fellow working at the counter and let him know that Carl had worked there 55 years before! (I'm not sure how impressed he was...)

The house that Carl and Steve grew up in. Carl said that it doesn't look like they have maintained the driveway since his Mom moved out in the 90s!

We also drove past the home where Sue grew up, and the church where Carl and Sue got married. Carl related that on their wedding day, he, his father and brother were standing outside a side door at the front of the church. Just about the time the service was to start, a rogue wind blew through and slammed the door shut, locking them outside. Steve quickly ran around through the back of the church and up the side aisle to re-open the door; otherwise, the groom would have been AWOL!

It was good visiting places in Carl's memories.

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