Friday, June 28, 2024

Monday - visit with Mom Verna, and cookout at the campground

On Monday morning, we headed down to Carol Stream to visit Carl's Mom, Verna...

... on the way, we saw this septic pump-out truck. We're always amused by the "creative" names for septic and port-a-pottie businesses -- "Du-Du-Man".

Carl and daughters, Joan, Pamela, and Kim, with Carl's Mom, Verna


We took Verna down to the Bistro to get her a cup of coffee. You can see Pamela here using the "handi-talkie" which helps Verna hear conversations.

Verna with her granddaughters

Verna with Carl and me

In the evening, we had invited the family over to Paul Wolff Campground for a cookout.

Cousins on the climbing rock at the campground

Youngest cousin, Addi, with oldest cousin, McKenna

We borrowed a picnic table from a neighboring campsite, and borrowed folding table and chairs from Scott and Kristin.

Enough room for everyone to sit while eating!

We had planned to have a fire in the evening...

Shay and Steve about to leave to get Addi home (her schedule has been very altered during these few days!).

Daughter Pamela got the fire started

Enjoying the fire

Enjoying the fire

Two families (Pamela/Dylan, Joan and family) would be leaving on Tuesday, so this would be the last get-together for this gathering. It was bittersweet -- happy to be together, sad that it was going to be ending.

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