Sunday, June 9, 2024

Our trip to Alaska

I've mentioned in several posts that we are heading to Alaska later this summer. We are actually going on a Fantasy RV Tours Caravan -- going with a group tour where the tour company has done the planning, making the campground reservations and booking some of the special activities for our time. It is a 61-day tour. We will be going with a total of 25 RVs on this trip. While we will spend the night in the same campgrounds with all of the other 24 RVs each night, we will not necessarily be traveling right together with one another -- in fact, I think that the caravan company asks that no more than 3 RVs travel together so not to cause traffic delays for other travelers. 

This is an overview of our route as I have it stored in RV Trip Wizard. We start near Couer d'Alene, Idaho on July 6, and 61 days later, end in Prince George, British Columbia. Along the way, we'll be in Calgary for the Calgary Stampede (with tickets included as part of the tour), visiting Jasper, Lake Louise, the Columbia Icefields, Chicken, Alaska, Fairbanks and North Pole, Alaska, Denali National Park, Anchorage, Homer, Haines, Juneau, and many other spots!

If you want to see more about the trip, it is documented here:

This is the first time we have ever done a caravan or organized RV tour. We are interested to see how we like it. The cost seems high, but we've heard that, if you add up the costs of all it includes, it would cost us the same to do it outside the caravan. That may be true, but I am pretty sure that they are going to be staying in nicer campgrounds (and not boondocking for free) than we would do if we went on our own, so it may be more expensive than it would have been for *us* to do it on our own... but we're saved the planning and time to do all the bookings. We have heard from participants in other tours that they make lifelong friends on these tours. 

We will be putting a lot of miles on Gracie this year -- when looking at the three parts of our trip in RV Trip Wizard, it is apparent that we're covering a lot of distance:

Arizona to Idaho via Virginia -- 110 nights, estimated at 6500 miles

Caravan - Couer d'Alene, ID to Prince George, BC -- 61 nights, estimated just under 5800 miles

Post-caravan from Prince George, BC to Mesa -- 48 nights, estimated at just over 2800 miles

That will put us at a total of just over 15,000 miles for the year, about 50% more than last year's 10,291 miles on Gracie.

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