Sunday, June 16, 2024

The lengths we go for THE CAT!!!

A kitty litter story: 

A few months ago, we purchased some kitty litter that was called "clump and seal" - it indicated that the clumps would not stick to the litter pan. Since Miss Kitty started with her renal problems last year, she creates a LOT of clumps, and getting them scooped can be an issue because they stick like concrete to the litter pan. This "clump and seal" seemed like a good solution.

Unfortunately, the litter is very fine, and it sticks to her feet and fur and she spreads it throughout the rig. Before we knew how much a problem that was, I had gotten another box of Clump and Seal from Walmart. We decided to go back to the "clumps but doesn't seal" that sticks to the litter pan, and got a box of that, intending to return the "clump and seal" back to Walmart. However, by the time we thought about it when *at* a Walmart, when I went to try to process a return using the Walmart app, it indicated that I couldn't return it. Undeterred, Carl took it into the store to customer service, indicating that he did not have the receipt. The customer service representative looked at the box, found a date on it, and told him it could not be returned because the use date was in the past. What? A use date on kitty litter? It turned out that the use date was in the past even when we purchased it -- we bought it in January, and the use date was last November -- but who knows, maybe it was a manufacture date or a purchase date... anyway, we couldn't return it. And why would kitty litter have a use date anyway? Does sand expire? Or the clumping agent?

Since we could not return it, we decided to go ahead and use it, dealing with the litter tracking for another few weeks until we finished it up. We are heartily tired of having sand spread through the rig, so when we stopped at Walmart recently, we had "kitty litter" on the list, and looked for the "clumps but doesn't seal" and "low tracking" version. Unfortunately, we didn't see what we wanted on the shelf, until we looked carefully and found that there was space for it, and a box at the very far back part of the shelf. We wanted that kitty litter, so I set about to try to get it...

... Wow! That is really a long ways back on that shelf! Actually -- this is a re-creation of my effort, as you can see the "Clean Paws" box that I had pulled out next to me on the shelf. I was trying to get another very far back box pulled forward in case someone else might want it, but I gave up -- it was just too far back!

The lengths to which we will go for Miss Kitty!

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