Saturday, June 27, 2020

Getting stuff done!

We've been getting stuff done here at the farm...
Jimmy did tons of work on Gracie in the shop

Carl got the maintenance done on the Oasis system (diesel powered heat and hot water)
I got up on the roof and we measured the height of Gracie
Carl took a picture of me on top of the rig... you can barely see my head up there by the roof of the shop.

We mowed under some more fences

We got the SeeLevel system ordered, received...

... and figured out the customization of the senders to install...

... prepared the tanks to attach the senders...

... temporarily taped the senders to the side of the tanks.
We're having some issues with the information being sent from the device, but we're not sure whether we can resolve it until we are at a campground with full hookups so we can fill and empty the tanks multiple times. We did some testing on it today before we dumped and we are feeling a little better about the accuracy of the information.

Got the tires on the Jeep rotated and balanced, and had a tire repaired that had a slow leak.
We're slowly getting things finished!!!

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