Sunday, June 14, 2020

New Kent Winery

On Saturday afternoon a couple of week ago, the New Kent Winery was having live music on the patio. Virginia's level of "opening" allows for outdoor and patio seating, so they had all the seating outside. When we got there, all the tables with umbrellas were taken, but we saw another couple who had taken advantage of a well-placed shade tree, and there was plenty of space to social-distance away from them, so we joined them. We were a little ways away from the singer, but we could hear well and enjoyed it, though it was a bit warm...
When we got there, the parking lot was full and so there was parking in the "overflow" gravel lot.

Back of the winery building with the covered patio - the entertainer was up there on the patio - we were just a short distance away across a driveway in a nice grassy area.

Carl sent me to get the beverage and took a picture of me as I returned "with the goods".

The winery is right at Talleysville - the crossroads where my dad said that a family member in a previous generation had a store. (My maiden name was Talley.)
St Peter's Church, where George Washington married Martha Custis, is just a little ways further down the road from where the winery is now.

We had hoped that we could take advantage of seeing things around here while we were on the farm... unfortunately, most things have been closed for most of the time we've been here, but, as things open up, we're hoping to be able to take advantage of the things this area has to offer.

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