Saturday, August 8, 2020

Saturday around the Chicago-land area

More visiting for Saturday...

First, a picture of the sunset from Friday evening:
it was so brilliant!

Saturday morning as we were sitting outside, an antique car drove through the campground...

A man and a big dog were in the front, and a lady and small dog in the back seat!

We drove down to the area where Carl grew up...

Elmhurst, Illinois

Carl had called ahead and ordered a pizza from Roberto's

He had planned that we would eat in a park that was near the house where he grew up, so we drove by the house on our way to the park.

Getting pizza from Roberto's is a family tradition

It was a delicious lunch!

After we finished lunch and vacated the table a squirrel came along to see if we'd left any morsels. I guess he was a Roberto's fan too!

We took a walk around the park after we finished lunch...
Looking up Hawthorne Street (where Carl grew up) from the park.

Carl told me that the park had originally been a landfill, so there was a large hill in the midst of it that he called a "sledding hill". He also told me the story of riding his bike down that hill (against his father's specifically expressed wishes!) and crashing as his gym bag bounced out of the front basket and tangled in the spokes of his front wheel.

Back at the campground, we met the couple who are camping across the road from us - they are also newlyweds - actually newer than we are - at 3 weeks compared to our 6 months. We had a nice chat with them and hope to meet up with them another time further down the road (they will be leaving tomorrow).
For supper, we made our version of quesadillas on the grill outside, and enjoyed a beautiful sunset as we enjoyed our meal!

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