Friday, August 14, 2020


 We went out for a bike ride at the campground on Friday morning --

The trail through the woods and fields in the forest preserve is so pleasant! About 2.5 miles, a nice length for a bike ride in the morning or evening.

Since we got the new gauges installed at Freightliner in July (, we've heard an air leak from the area of the gauges. Carl knew that the air pressure gauges had air lines attached to them, and had taken a look to see if he could tighten the connection (and to determine if one or both were leaking) but had not found a resolution. He contacted Freightliner, and they indicated that it could be that the hoses were not cut off exactly square and that could cause a problem, but... that it also could be that there was a faulty air connection on the gauges themselves and they would need to be replaced (again). So, today, Carl took the gauges out of the dash and re-cut the hoses to see if he could square them off better. They appeared to be well cut to begin with, but he did try cutting them again just to see if we could fix the problem.

Air pressure gauges (not registering because the engine was off - he had to do the disconnect while the air was not pressurized.

The end of the hose looked square (but Carl went ahead and cut them cleanly again).

He also marked where the two hoses went so we'd get them put back correctly.

Putting the hoses back in -- it reminded Carl of a PEX quick-connect because you pushed the outer ring to lock into place.

Back in place

Unfortunately, the connections still leaked... which seems to mean that the gauge itself is not sealing correctly. Carl has sent information about our results to the fellow at Freightliner.

This afternoon, we were happy to visit with former neighbors of Carl and Sue, the Huttons:

We enjoyed visiting with Patti and Ken, and I enjoyed being introduced to the delicious food at Portillo's - Italian Beef Sandwiches (

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