Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Christmas Decorations

We've put some Christmas decorations up inside and out!

Door banner on door - you may notice that it is not hung from the top of the door as designed... there is a hinge attached at the middle of the top of the door that prevents that, so we put a bungee cord on the door and then re-rigged the bottom. It looked good for a while!

Lights in the front window

The look from the front

We also have outside lights -- the flag above the coach (on a pole on the ladder on the back) is lit with an additional globe on top that changes colors, there is a rope light on the ground by the edge of the coach, and a light display that rolls the lights down the side of the coach as if it was a screen.

In addition - we have a "Sparkle Magic" light shining up on the palm tree behind our lot. A funny story about this -- a neighbor lady from across the street came over to talk to Carl this afternoon -- she said that our decorations were the subject of their evening conversation last night. They first thought that there was a drone lighting the palm tree, but decided that couldn't be it. Then they wondered how Carl climbed the palm tree and put lights up (yeah, right!). They never thought about the light coming from the ground!

My camera suggested I would want to do a "night light" picture, which left the lens open for a few seconds (while it said "hold phone still"). So... the blur effect is from that.

They are having a judging for Christmas decorations today -- by individual lots, or by blocks or by "corners" (I guess the 4 lots that make up the corner). The neighbor lady said that they would vote for us! We didn't apply to be judged -- maybe we should have!

The door banner came off in the wind... so we're not sure whether there is some other way we can display it or what... still to be determined!

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