Friday, December 11, 2020

Fixing the roof

A few days ago, part of the tape over the seam at the front cap came loose -- again... (

On Wednesday, after fixing the breaker, since Carl had all the boxes of his tools out, and since it was predicted to rain and we wanted to try to have the taped area fixed before rain, we decided to work on taping the roof too.

Where there was still some of the sticky tape backing over the seam, dirt, leaves and other stuff had collected, so we cleaned that off as best we could first.

Putting down the tape is challenging when wearing gloves!

After putting the tape down, we decided to try using a sealant (Dicor) around the edges to try to keep it from being peeled up by the wind again.

Putting the Dicor on was the hardest part of the job - squeezing the tube took a lot of force.

The finished job on the middle part.

Adding Dicor on the driver's side.

Completed job - it may not look quite as "professional" as we would like, but hopefully it will keep the tape in place and keep the water out of the rig!

We had also wanted to re-check the heat pump / air conditioning unit that was installed at National Indoor RV Center (NIRVC) to put appropriate insulation in to keep air/dirt from being pulled into the unit other than through the coils ( We had thought that we would need to do this, but were pleasantly surprised to find that it had already been done (at NIRVC).

opening the shroud

Wow - those vertical foam pieces have been added since the last time we checked this! We thought we were going to have to make the corrections ourselves! Good job, National Indoor RV Center! Thank you!

Carl is *not* a fan of roof work. I don't love it, but I don't mind it so much. But... it is good to get these tasks off our to-do list!

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