Sunday, October 9, 2022

Another visit to Mom

After my doctor appointment on Thursday (, we stopped by to see Carl's Mom, Verna, again. Unfortunately, in the past couple of weeks, she had to make a trip to the emergency room and stayed a night in the hospital due to severe pain that she was experiencing in her back. They ultimately determined that she has a cracked or broken vertebrae. We're not certain when this may have occurred - she fell several weeks ago and cut her ear (which required an earlier trip to the ER) but this pain seemed to start out of the blue.

Karen, Carl's sister-in-law, has been wonderful in being available to Verna, being at the hospital with her and following up with folks at Windsor and getting reports from the doctors at the hospital. Verna was discharged from the hospital with a back brace that seemed to give her relief from the pain, but she is still limited in her mobility.

As a result, Mom is currently in the skilled nursing area at Windsor.

Carl and his Mom in her room in the Skilled Nursing area

The COVID restrictions in Skilled Nursing require visitors to pre-screen (temperature check and answer screening questions) and then to wear both a mask and a "welders mask" (face shield). Unfortunately, Mom cannot understand our conversation at all with a mask on, so we took that down while visiting with her, though Carl is still sporting his face shield in the picture above.

It was good to get to see her again while we're in the area, and we're praying that she soon feels better and is able to return to her room.

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