Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A couple of pictures from our weekend

On Saturday, we did some meal preparation -- we are enjoying cooler weather that makes cooking more enjoyable.

We had purchased an "Ultimate Meat" pizza at Walmart on Friday. We "fixed it up" with basil, sliced Roma tomatoes, and extra mozzarella cheese to make it the kind of pizza we prefer.

On Saturday afternoon, we prepared a sausage-cabbage soup. Carl sauteed the sausage while I cut up veggies. Even though the title of the soup implies it may have only cabbage, the recipe calls for celery, carrots, and onions, and then we like to add other vegetables -- so this time, we put zucchini, yellow squash, and broccoli in as well as a head of cabbage. We ended up making two 6-quart Instant Pots full - so lots of leftovers! No pictures, unfortunately!

On Sunday, we were supposed to move from Thousand Trails Mount Vernon to Thousand Trails Thunderbird (near Monroe, WA), but the northern lights forecast looked favorable for Sunday night (that we *might* see some activity as far down as we were), and we had a nice open area without lights near our rig, so we called and changed our reservations. 

It was nice to have a Sunday without being a travel day. After joining our church in Irving for Sunday services...

Carl worked on another batch of sauerkraut. This is his third batch -- he started a batch with green cabbage when we were in Virginia in May, and then, soon after that, did one with red (or purple) cabbage. Those two provided sauerkraut for him through the summer. This batch is again with green cabbage, with added caraway seeds (for flavor) and carrots (for color). He is also using fermentation lids, or air-locks for fermenting. This allows carbon dioxide pressure to escape without letting air back in which reduces the possibility of bad bacteria getting in and causing spoilage. Depending on the ambient temperature in the motorhome, these should be ready in about 2.5-3 weeks (the warmer it is, the faster it will ferment).

Unfortunately, the prediction of good possibility of northern light visibility did not pan out, but we got some things done around the rig which was good.

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