Monday, September 2, 2024

Fantasy Caravan Day 57 - Free day in Stewart / Hyder

Saturday was a free day on the schedule with our caravan. It was also the day of the Chili Cookoff -- Carl had decided to make a chili for the cookoff, so we spent part of the day doing that. We considered going back to the wildlife observation area (bear viewing) but, with the rain, decided not to go.

Instead, we observed the "wildlife" in our own rig (Miss Kitty watching a YouTube video for cats).

A video of Miss Kitty watching the video (at the end, she looks at me like, "What? you're taking a video of *me*?!?!?"):

The chili cookoff contestants brought their creations for sampling and then eating... because the campground did not have a large room, and because it was raining, they re-purposed their enclosed RV wash facility into a meeting area for us!

We started with our travel meeting with information about our travel day on Sunday...

... we are all diligently checking our trip logs and writing notes!

Then all who wanted chili tried a sample of each offering and decided which they thought was best. Steve and Lisa won the prize! They promised to share their recipe with all of us once they got strong enough internet to get online (we offered to allow them to use the guest network on our Starlink!).

(a couple of days later they shared -- here it is in case you're interested:

Steve had told us that he leaves *all* the fat in... it didn't look like it was greasy, but it seems that would be a *lot* of fat!

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