Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Fantasy Caravan Day 59 - Hazelton to Prince George - last travel day!

On Monday, we drove from Hazelton to Prince George - our last travel day to our last campground on our caravan!

We again had to cross the one lane bridge -- some of our fellow caravaners were on the bridge in front of us!

We had a little rain (just enough to keep the Jeep dirty!).

We started seeing large crop fields for the first time in several weeks -- a lot of hay, and some other crops.

Apologies for the dirty windshield, but starting to see sun!

Coming into Houston - wait, what? Houston? We're back in Texas??? Maybe not quite...

Further along toward Prince George

We got checked in to our campground...

and had an impromptu get-together in the evening

It has been great getting to know these folks and we'll be sad to part!

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