Sunday, September 8, 2024

Catching up on some tasks

On Friday, I had an appointment to have blood drawn for tests in Ferndale, Washington, so we drove there and then had breakfast at a local place on Main Street.

Ivy covered building front in downtown Ferndale -- I think this was a Mexican grocery

Beautiful hanging flower baskets (see another one on the far side of the street)

Mural in Ferndale (and the across-the-street hanging basket of flowers)

Fall colors in the parking lot of Walmart where we went to stock up on supplies that we had put off purchasing due to higher prices found in Alaska and Canada

Fueling at Costco -- this one has three pumps on each side of the island. When a pump becomes available, its icon turns green. At this point, the middle pump on our side was open, but all three pumps on the other side were occupied. Right after we took this picture, the closest pump to us also became available, so the car in front of us and we were both able to pull in... and then when we finished filling, it happened that all three of us on our side of the island finished at the same time, and we could all pull straight out. It is a bit of a challenge if the available pump is the one in the middle...

We got some shopping done -- brought home 3 rotisserie chickens from Costco, pulled all the meat off the bones and stewed the bones for bone broth. We also got a pork shoulder for pulled pork to be cooked in the smoker in the next couple of days.

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