Friday, September 6, 2024

Fantasy Caravan Day 61 -- The day that we all took different paths!

Wednesday ended our Fantasy Caravan and we all dispersed on our varying paths.

Our ambassadors started us off with breakfast - Ken and Jeff cooking pancakes and sausage on the grill outside...

... while Judi (and Julie, though she wasn't in this picture) cooked eggs to order inside.

We visited one last time before heading out.

Sintich RV Park, Prince George, BC

We no longer are following the Fantasy Caravan provided trip log, instead back to our old technique of putting an address into the Garmin -- but we also have The Milepost which we can use to find places to stop and interesting information about the things along the way.

A sun-shiny day for traveling!

We pulled off in a rest area to make lunch -- it was right at a construction zone, so we had to merge back in with the traffic when the automated "flagman" (stop/go light and gate) allowed our direction of traffic to proceed. We noticed an interesting vehicle behind the truck camper...

... yep, it is one of the Google Street View capture vehicles. The current street view has a camper at the south end of the pullout (see street view here) -- we're going to try to check it over the next couple of months to see if Gracie's picture shows up in the street view! They may not use this captured image though, since there is a construction area there.

Construction area - one lane of travel allowed.

A few miles later, we came to Williams Lake --

It was a pretty good sized town with a lot of businesses even though The Milepost indicates the population as a little less than 11,000.

Interesting cherry-red vehicle at the stop light...

... it was turning left as were we (but going opposite directions).

Williams Lake

It is always interesting when there is a location named "Williams" as Carl says that it is probably named for one of his relatives (Williamsburg, Williamsport, Williams Square in Irving, etc.). This one, however, is named for a Canadian First Nations man, Will-Yum. I think it may be an even more interesting town if it was spelled, Will-Yum Lake!

Soon after Will-Yum Lake (choosing my own spelling!), we came to Lac La Hache...

Information from The Milepost about Lac La Hache - the "longest town in the Cariboo"

The lake (and the town, though there wasn't much "town" about it) did continue on for a while!

Coming down from Mount Begbie -- a pretty view from up high.

We got to the first campground we've booked for ourselves (after more than two months of not booking for ourselves), got parked and settled in.

Pond with rowboat and kayak at the campground

We plan one more travel day to get back to the lower 48, and then we're hoping to stay put for at least a few days!

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