Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Semiahmoo Spit

We drove out on Monday to visit Semiahmoo Spit -- on the same peninsula as where we're staying, but out into the water...

An overview map from Google -- our campground is located where the blue dot and picture of Carl is -- we drove out to where the red marker is (actually, to the end of that spit).,-122.8170146,9321m/

We drove right to the end of the spit -- found parking (only noticed after we came back to the Jeep that there were signs indicating "Permit Parking Only", but didn't have a problem). Looking across the water...

... we thought that might be Vancouver, but have come to think it is probably White Rock or Surrey, BC.

And, looking more toward the west, we think that piece of land on the right side of the picture might be Point Roberts. I didn't realize until looking at the map after we got home is that Point Roberts is a peninsula off of Canada but it is part of Washington state. The building on the left side of the picture (on Semiahmoo Spit) appeared to be a restaurant, part of the Wyndham property located there.

Walking along the boardwalk

Condos -- the closest building was built in 2020, the further building 2013. There's a unit for sale in the further building:  Be aware that this is in a tsunami hazard area (

As we were walking east toward the marina, we could see this interesting structure, the water tower that provided water to the cannery that operated here from the late 1800 to the mid 1900s.

It is quite distinctive, and I found an interesting blog post about it:

Outside the cafe/gift/supply shop at the marina, a "dog moorage" area!

There were beautiful flowers in the beds on the marina's grounds...

At first, from a distance, I thought they were roses,

but Google Lens identified them a Dahlias...

so many shapes...

.. and colors!

Variegated pink...

... and variegated yellow/orange...

... and another with spaced out petals that I thought must be different from a dahlia, but Google Lens still identified this one as a dahlia too!

Boats in the marina

Another view of the water tower as we were walking back to where we parked the Jeep

We looked at the information about the Plover Ferry -- it seems to go between Semiahmoo and Blaine during the summer. I believe that this building was part of the Semiahmoo Cannery (,

Looking across toward Blaine, we could see the Peace Arch if we zoomed in a lot with our cameras -- you can see that it has two flags (US and Canada) on top of it. (

This was the view of the Peace Arch without zooming in.

We are enjoying our time to just kick back and relax and not have to make long drives every 2-3 days!

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