Monday, August 16, 2021

Sunday with Harvest Bible Chapel

On Sunday, we joined with the Harvest Bible Chapel (, the church where Carl's son, Scott, is Associate Pastor of Production:

Carl took a couple of pictures during the worship service...

Scott doing his job in production during the service.

After the service, Scott took us on a behind-the-scenes tour...

The projector that powers one of the screens in the worship center...

It displays from behind -- it happened that it was showing information about the evening outdoor worship that was going to happen Sunday evening.

Scott in his office

The production control room that is manned during the service to give directions to the camera operators and control which camera is active.

Recording and live streaming equipment. There are multiple campuses (6) and the pastor preaches at one of them in-person. The other campuses continue with singing until the pastor has started at the in-person campus for that week. When the singing is completed at a receiving campus, the control room switches to the in-person campus for the pastor's message. Scott said that the software that they use will buffer the signal and allow, if there is a temporary internet glitch, that the receiving campuses may not see any impact, unless the glitch extends further than their signal behind. In the picture just above, Scott is pointing at the information that is provided from the in-person campus that marks the "sermon start" so the production control person knows exactly where to join.

In the recording room -- this was previously used for James McDonald's "Walk in the Word" but is now used by the worship team (Vertical Worship - for recording of their original music.

In the recording room

Outdoor Worship Night on Sunday night on the Elgin campus

A couple who are on the worship team sharing some of their own songs before the "main event" started.

We are prepared -- Carl's grandsons are getting some popcorn that Carl had popped earlier in the afternoon.

Elgin worship team leading worship

It was a good turnout for the evening worship outside -- and a beautiful night!

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