Thursday, June 15, 2023

Along the Trans Labrador Highway to Red Bay, NL

We had looked up a couple of hikes that we thought might be interesting... and decided to drive about an hour past Forteau (where we would be staying the night) to Red Bay to do a hike.

First small Labrador town -- I think this was L'Anse au Clair

Icebergs in the harbor at Forteau

Another view of icebergs at Forteau

Another small town (I'm not sure which one this was!)...

... we particularly liked this colorful building on the shore reflecting into the water

Various views of icebergs

Note that these are not "huge" ones -- they are probably called "bergy bits" by locals.

A video so you can see a panoramic view -- if the embedded video does not work, you can see it on YouTube at:

I think this may be where the Pinware river empties into the sea

The bridge over the Pinware River was being repaired - so there was just one lane for traffic. This was the "flagman". You may be able to see the "125" at the bottom -- it is counting down the number of seconds to green.

The bridge was a wooden bridge - they were replacing a few of the boards in it. We crossed a couple of wooden bridges -- we don't know why they would use wood on some and have regular concrete on others.

We had decided to do the Tracy Hill Walking trail.

We may not have carefully read the information about the number of steps nor examined closely the topographical map before starting...

This is a nice boardwalk!

Pretty view of Red Bay Harbour

"I think the top is just up there..."


"Uhm, maybe that wasn't the top -- looks like it keeps on going a little further..."

"But there are nice views!"

It isn't as clear in the photo as it was to us -- but there are large icebergs out in the sea -- we surmised that they were aircraft carriers disguised as icebergs!

"Can you see the top yet, Carl?"

"Uhm, I don't think this is the top yet..."

Encouraging words on some of the steps to keep us going!

A view of the West'ard Tickle (on the far side of the large island)

And a view down the trail from whence we have come!

Encouraging words: "When you feel like quitting, think about why you started."

Note: we did not see any remnants of original telegraph poles.

"The Pond on the Hill"

Encouraging words: "Every mountaintop is within reach if you just keep climbing"

"Ok, so this is the "top", but there's still further that we can go?"

Encouraging words: "The reward is worth the effort."

Looking back down toward Red Bay and Saddle Island

Selfies to prove we made it!

Behind us, a smaller bay with bergy bits in it

Now we just need to go back down again!

We decided to stop for supper in Red Bay...

Fried cod and poutine... we're starting to really like poutine!

With Partridgeberry pie ala mode for dessert!

We still had more daylight -- time to start the drive back to Forteau and our B&B -- more on that in the next post!

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