Thursday, August 1, 2024

Fantasy Caravan Day 25 part 2 - Fairbanks activities Tuesday evening

It seemed we had just arrived at the campground on Tuesday, picked up our package of mail from our mail service, and it was time for us to head out for an evening event arranged by Fantasy...

... an Alaska Salmon Bake at Fairbanks Pioneer Park!

We entered through a mine-like area...

... complete with "gold" in a transportation cart!

Giant salmon model

Welcome Center for the dinner...

... but we actually got welcomed by a couple of other young ladies (we had a special group meal) where they explained the meal stations and what we could get to eat.

Meat station -- prime rib, salmon, or cod was available.

We could also get two sides, and there was a salad bar too.

I got prime rib, and Carl got salmon (and we shared, so we each got some of the other!).

We took our food into the Dining Hall...

... and settled in to eat with some of our fellow travelers.

Afterwards, we walked around Pioneer Park for a little while, and then made our way to...

... the Palace Theater where we had tickets for the evening show.

It was an enjoyable show...

... sharing history about Fairbanks and the characters who participated in forming the town.

Since I didn't get to see the can-can show in Dawson City, I was able to enjoy a bit of one here instead!

We were a bit tired from our days of traveling, but enjoyed the meal and the show!

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