Thursday, August 8, 2024

Fantasy Caravan Day 32 - Free Day in Denali

Tuesday was another free day for us to spend in Denali -- it was overcast and chilly, so we elected to not do any additional exploring. We did walk around the campground and consider what we would need to do in the morning when leaving the campground.

We had our travel meeting at 5pm between our wagon master's and our tail gunner's rigs -- it was a bit breezy, so we appreciated having the wind break on both sides. They had some information for us on getting out of the campground -- we needed to leave by the same entrance by which we had entered to have the least challenging exit (not with a hill, ditch, or massive rocks to avoid) and to have a traffic light to help us make a left turn on Parks Highway.

Carl took a picture of where we were parked, and honestly, this picture makes it look a LOT nicer than it was! We were very tight in the spaces, every other rig had the hookups on the wrong side of the rig (so they had to run their electric and water under the rig) -- ours was on the correct side, but was very unlevel -- we could not level the rig without the rear wheels coming off the ground which we try to avoid.

We got to see Mt Denali, and some wildlife -- so we were happy with our visit to the Denali National Park area, but ready to move on!

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