Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Sunday night's adventure!

Carl has been watching the forecast for the Aurora Borealis (he has been using this site) -- we knew that the sun spot and flare activity was auspicious for seeing the northern lights all during the time we've been in Canada and Alaska, but we have not been having dark enough nights to see the northern light activity. Regardless, when Carl would wake up in the night, he would check to see if it looked clear and dark enough. On Sunday night, he could see it was clear when he got up at about 2:15am, so he went out -- it looked like there were light clouds, but he realized based on how they were moving, that they weren't clouds. He came in and got me up, and we went out...

We could see these odd wispy clouds, but we couldn't see colors, until we took pictures using our Google Pixel phones in "night sight" mode -- using a tripod to get a longer exposure.

Here are some of the pictures we got...

and a video:

We have heard that seeing them in winter, when it is very dark (and very cold) is even more amazing, but we were so glad that we got to see them!

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