Thursday, August 15, 2024

Fantasy Caravan Day 39 - Kenai to Homer

On Tuesday we traveled from Kenai to Homer...

Before we left the campground, others in our group let us know that there were pretty amazing views from the deck where we had had dinner on Monday evening...

Beautiful view of the volcano

Other mountains (I am not sure of any of the names)

One of our fellow travelers had an "oops" as he was pulling out of his site --

... his "tail wag" (the back overhang) caught a metal pipe that was supposed to be protecting the sewer pipe from being run over. The pipe ended up embedded in his rig -- Carl suggested that they could use the RV's jacks to raise the rig off the pipe and then dig the pipe out with a shovel -- and that's what they eventually did.

It is so easy for a moment of inattention to cause damage to these rigs!

As we were driving toward Homer...

we could see mountains across Cook Inlet - usually out the side window, and peek-a-boo in the trees.

One time one of the mountains was nearly straight ahead of us...

We saw a sign indicating a scenic view (it's an outline of a camera, but for some reason I think it looks like the Alamo in San Antonio!), so we decided to pull off.

Well, technically it could have been a scenic view, but someone had built a house right in the view, so I got up on Gracie's roof to try to take a picture!

The Milepost had this description for this viewpoint: 

Double-ended paved scenic viewpoint to west. Interpretive sign at viewpoint about the "Ring of Fiew." The Ring of Fire includes: Mount Iliamna, elev. 10,016 feet, 52 miles away; Mount Redoubt, elev, 10,197 feet, 54 miles away; Mount Augustine, elev. 4,025 feet, 83 miles to the south; and Mount Spurr, elev. 11,100 feet, 85 miles to the north. Mount Augustine has erupted several times, most recently in 2006. Mount Spurr last erupted on March 22, 2009, resulting in ash fall as far away as Anchorage.

Note: we didn't see the interpretive sign, so *maybe* we were at the wrong spot. 

As we continued on, we saw that there was another spot where there was supposed to be a scenic view -- and a path that we could walk to the edge of the inlet...

Carl on the path

There were a number of our fellow-travelers already at the pullout when we got there!

I think that Mount Iliamna is on the right and Mount Redoubt on the left.

Mount Redoubt

Obligatory selfie

Looking back down the path

Enjoying the fireweed along the side of the pullout

Miss Kitty enjoying the sun

A video of Miss Kitty enjoying the sun:

Just prior to me taking this video, she had been attacking her tail as it was irritating her with its switching back and forth! She doesn't usually stay on the front dash for very long, preferring to be on the lap of the person who is sitting in the passenger seat.

Coming down into Homer...

... beautiful view, beautiful day!

We got to our campground, Ocean Shores Campground, and got parked...

then walked down to the cliff overlooking the beach.

It was rocky right below the campground, and then a sandy beach to each side.

Just lovely

We enjoyed being outside and chatting with others of our fellow travelers.

Looking east toward Homer Spit

Looking south across Katchemak Bay

We went out for dinner at Captain Pattie's --

Carl ordered Salmon and I ordered Halibut and then we split each meal and each had some.

Captain Pattie's on the Homer Spit -- delicious (if pricey) food!

It was bright and sunny with just a few clouds in the sky -- what a difference the sun makes to our impressions of a place!

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