Friday, August 16, 2024

Fantasy Caravan Day 40 - Homer Free Day #1

We had a free day on Wednesday, so decided to visit things around Homer...

The Farmers Market is open on Wednesday afternoon 2-5pm...

"Udder Delights" ice cream

Ice cream flavors

There were a number of shops -- 4-5 produce vendors...

Prices were high, but... this is Alaska!

We drove onto the Homer Spit and to the Freight Dock area, looking for boats that are on "The Deadliest Catch" TV show. We talked with a fellow who was bringing supplies to a boat and he indicated that "Time Bandit" (one of the vessels on the show) was not on the dock. He asked a guy who was coming up from the lower dock if he wasn't on "that crab show" -- to which the other guy said, "I used to be on it, but it was too Hollywood." Carl thought he recognized the guy but didn't remember his name.

When we went to the other side of the harbor, we could see that Time Bandit was at the end of the dock where we had just been (red arrow). We're not sure why the supply fellow told us that it was out; maybe he was the person supposed to keep lookie-loos away!

We walked around some of the shops on the spit -- thought this picture was neat looking...

... stopped at a gelato shop...

...we shared a 3-scoop gelato... didn't think to take a picture until it was all gone!

An amazing hanging basket next to the gelato shop - so huge!

Looking down the beach on the Homer Spit

Carl posing with his "catch"!

We checked the prices of fish at a place on the spit.

We drove back to the freight dock -- the arrow is pointing to Summer Bay...

... and this arrow is pointing to Time Bandit -- both vessels on "The Deadliest Catch".

We drove up in elevation from the Homer Spit to the Skyline Drive...

View across Kachemak Bay from the Skyline Drive

Homer Spit in the Bay

We decided to try a trip up to an Orthodox church that was further up the hill.

When we got there, the priest was outside and offered to take us inside to show us the sanctuary. We talked with him for a while and had a lot of questions answered. We thought that this was a Russian Orthodox church but found that it is an Antiochian Orthodox Church. The priest indicated that each of the Orthodox churches are in communion with each other. The onion dome relates to the dome of the sky, and the three cross pieces on the cross represent the sign over Christ's head, the crosspiece where his arms were hung, and the crosspiece that his feet were nailed to. The foot piece is canted sideways because the thief on one side repented and the one on the other side reviled Christ. Lots and lots of symbolism.

We stopped at another overlook of the bay...

... so beautiful!

Grewingk Glacier across the bay from Homer

Even though it was cloudier on Wednesday than it had been on Tuesday, it was still pretty!

A little further west -- overlook located on Skyline Drive. We were heading back to the campground.

We didn't have a lot of plans for the day, but we enjoyed what we did!

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